Atleast She's Happy

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Angst or Not?

Jisoo's POV

"Jendeuk?" I confirmed the obvious seeing Jennie. I'm not expecting her to be here especially with the current situation she currently in.

She chuckled.

"You look like you've seen a zombie, Unnie." She tried to joke but I know her. I'm one of the few who really knows her.

"What are you doing here?" I inquired. Not that I'm not happy to see her it's just that she's not really obligated.

She pouted.

"Where do you think I'll be? This is your bachelorette party and me being one of your closest friend should be here, right?" She confirmed. "I mean except if you really don't want to." She added which I immediately oppose.

"What? No! Of course you should be here." I responded. "...but you know she'll.." I'm interrupted by her.

"I know Unnie and I'm okay with it." She assured me giving me a small smile.

You're wondering what or who we're talking about...its Lisa, her ex-girlfriend. She's also one of my friends, obviously she'll be here too. Maybe you're questioning my loyalty if both of them are my friends, that why would I allow Lisa and not Jennie to be here? Well, you see Lisa is our official photographer so I really don't have a choice. She's required to attend no matter what. She also confirmed her attendance so I gave Jennie a heads up about it and me not getting a response from her thought she'll not gonna attend but she's here, being supportive friend as ever. I know how hard it is for her especially now that Lisa looked like dating someone already.

I was brought back to reality when I felt that she hugs me.

"Congratulations, Unnie." She mumbled. "Don't mind me, okay? This is your day. You should be happy." She even added. I gulped to removed the lump in my throat. I can't cry in front of her especially that she's doing her best to be strong.

"Thank you Jendeuk." I responded.

She pulled away with her gummy smile plastered on her face.

"Where's Rosie, though?" She questioned. "I should greet her too." She added.

"You're quite early so we're still preparing food." I answered. "Go check in kitchen. I'll continue this decorations." I continued.

She creased her brows.

"Why you guys doing these stuff anyway? I told Chahee to take care of everything. This is her part." She inquired looking disappointed. She's really a perfectionist.

I chuckled.

"You know this is not the typical "bachelorette party", this is more of an intimate celebration with friends so me and my Chipmunk wanted to be part of this. "You guys have done a lot, specially you Jennie Kim." I pointed to her and truth to be told. Jendeuk is really the foundation of our soon to be wedding.

She introduced me to the best girl in the world and took care almost everything about our wedding. She's the best bridesmaid you wish you'll have, despite being heartbroken she did it for the sake of love.

She heaved a sigh.

"Fine." She said defeatedly. "...but this is the last time you two, brides to be will participate. I want you both to just focus on your wedding vows, nothing more or less." She added and I can't help but to shed a tear this time.

"Yah, Unnie. Why are you crying?" She rushed to hug me.

I shook my head.

"I-I don't know how to express my gratefulness to you Jendeuk." I sniffed. She gave my back soothing rubs.

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