My Other Half

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Lisa's POV

"What's happening here?!" I exclaimed.

Jennie immediately pushed Kai away from her.

"It's not what you think this is." She said calmly but I know she's disoriented inside, she's avoiding my gaze.

"Get out!" I shouted pertaining to Kai, head of our finance department.

He bowed to me first then took a last glance to Jennie before heading out.

I take a deep breathe to calm my raging nerves. I was brought back to reality when I felt Jennie caressing my cheeks. I failed to noticed that she walk in-front of me, that she already cupped my face.

"Lili?" She gently called. Her eyes mirror guilt.

"What happened?" I asked coldly.

She avoid my eyes.

"H-He was looking for you and ah, thought you're here." She stuttered and I gritted my teeth.

"Oh! So you mean by "looking" that includes him being that close to you?" I sarcastically stated.

Jennie flinched, I know she's not used to that kind of tone.

"N-No ahm, we're not doing anything wrong. I ah, there's something in my eye and ah, he just offered help." She alibied.

This time I'm the one who made her look at me.

"I hope you're telling the truth Jennie or if not please tell me anything I need to know and I swear I'll forgive you, I will always forgive you." I sincerely stated.

She tensed up under my touch but just shook her head.

"I swear nothing happened Lili." She emphasized again, now looking directly to my eyes.

I look at her intently for I don't know how long before nodding.

"Okay." I simply stated before kissing her forehead.

She sigh in relief before pulling me for a hug, a tight one as she buries her face to the crook of my neck.

"I can't lose you." She mumbled.

"You won't Nini, I'm sure you won't." I assured her.

I will make sure of that.


[Lisa's POV]

"Ms. Manoban, I would like you to meet Ms. Kim our new editor-in-chief." Our head HR introduced.

I gulped seeing her face fully

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I gulped seeing her face fully. She's gorgeous. I composed myself, I need to act professional.

"Hi. Nice to meet you Ms. Kim." I said as I extended my right hand. "Lisa." I added.

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