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I smiled timidly seeing the approaching Jennie.

I heaved a sigh to control my nerves, it's just been a month since the last time I saw her but it's as if its been a year.

She's still the girl I fell in love with 10 years ago...

the only difference now is the feeling is no longer mutual

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...the only difference now is the feeling is no longer mutual. I felt a sudden pain thinking about that reality.

I was brought back to reality when I heard a fake cough.

Oh she's here, just in front of me.

"J-Jen." I greeted her shyly.

"Lisa." She coldly responded that made me shiver.

"Hey, Lis."

My attention diverted to the man behind Jennie that I failed to noticed earlier.

"Kai." I mumbled.

I look behind them looking for another specific person I'm longing to see aside from Jennie. Maybe Kai noticed it so he speak again.

"She's not here. Mom, I mean, she's with Jen's Mom." He informed.

I nodded. Kai excused himself to give us privacy, after giving Jennie's cheek a quick pecked.

I clenched my fist but maintained my composure, this is not the right time to get jealous, heck I don't even know if there's really a time for that specially now that I have no right.

I took a deep breath before giving Jennie a small smile and invited her to take a sit which she obliged immediately.

"Ahm, ah, you want to order something first?" I asked her.

She didn't respond to me but called the waitress to order. She also took the initiative to order for me without asking me what I want, she chose the usual I been ordering whenever we're here.

It made me smile. Maybe she just realized what she did so she blushed.

"I-I'm sorry, I ah..."

"Nah, it's okay Jen, thank you." I interrupted her, assuring that everything is okay.

She just nodded. We fell silent afterwards and just waited for our food to arrive.

When the food already serve, she decided to break the silence.

"I-I'm sorry, I failed to bring Ella here..." She started and that made me look at her. She's also looking at me but with void expression. It's as if the person that is in front of me is a stranger in all aspects and the only thing that keeping us connected is our daughter. "...Mom said that we should settle things on our own first and decided what's best for Ella." She paused. I gulped. I have a bad feeling of what she's about to say next. "Let's get a divorce." She stated directly. Even how much I prepared myself for the worst, hearing her say this first hand is a lot more different story.

Euphoria - Jenlisa One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now