Be Alright - Part 5

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*5 months later*

"Come on Lili."

I heaved a sigh.

"I can't, even if I want to." I answered.

"Why you can't though?"

"You know I have a work, Jen." I answered.

Of course I can file a leave but I won't. I can't see her spend time with her boyfriend especially now that I've accepted the fact that what I feel for her is not just a petty crush. I fell in love, that even if I tried to still argue and reason to myself that "no you're not, you just admire her" I can't cause it's already useless. I'm tired of pretending even to myself.

"I asked your manager, she said that's possible just file a leave."

"You what?" I asked in disbelief. "How did you do that?" I added.

She grinned.

"Don't answer. I already know."

Of course who can able to resist that adorable pout?

I groaned. Now what?

I stiffened when she back hug me and put her chin on my shoulder.

"Lili?" She called me.

"I'll be an outcast there, Jen." I gently removed her arms wrapping around my waist then turn to face her.

"I'm there." She insisted.

"Why it is important for me to be there?" I asked instead.

"What do you mean?" She questioned.

"I'm sorry Nini, I really want to but I'll be left out if I go besides Mino will be there, you don't need me." I said with finality.

"Why you kept insisting you'll be left out? You really think I'll make you feel that way?"

She's pissed now. Great.

I cupped her face to calm her. These past 5 months Jennie and I become close, like really close. I'm happy of course but ever since the day I accepted the fact that I'm in love with her the happiness equals to pain.

"Just this one, let me be." I mumbled.

She looked at me intently before she sighed.

"If you really don't want to then who am I to force you." She said defeatedly.

As weak and whip as it may sounds but that's one of the things I hate seeing from her, her sad reaction.

I gulped. I guess, I just look away every time they're around.

"You know, I hate seeing you sad."

"I'm not sad." She defended.

"Yeah, right." I pulled her for a hug and she immediately reciprocate it.

Her face in the crook of my neck.

"I'll miss you." She mumbled and it tickles.

"I guess not." I answered.

She bit me.

"Ouch!" I pulled a little to look at her face she just stick out her tongue then goes back hugging me again.

"That's for invalidating my feelings." She said.

"I'm not invalidating your feelings, Kim." I answered.

"Then accept the fact that I'll miss you."

"I said you'll not."

"Lalisa." She warned.

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