Happier (Traitor Final)

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Flashback (Lisa's POV from Part 1)

Love where are you? I'm at your place." Jennie asked once I answered my phone.

"Aww, didn't I text you? Chaeng asked me to accompany her. We're here at the mall." I informed that I'm with Chaeng which is partly true but we're not in the mall.

"Oh." She responded in her disappointed tone that made my heart ache. I hurt her again. Like I always do.

I'm about to answer but interrupted when Chaeng looked at me. I covered the mouth piece of my phone so Jennie won't hear it.

"Lisa you can go now. Jennie is waiting for you, right?" She asked in her soft voice and I gave her a small smile then shook my head.

"I'm good Chaeng, Jennie will understand, she always do." I more of assured myself. I excused myself to Chaeng so I can go back and talk to Jennie that still on the other line.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll make it up to you. What do you want? I'll get it on my way home." I tried to sound enthusiastic. She was silent for a second but answered eventually.

"Nothing, just go home as soon as you can." She said trying to sound casual but I know she's disappointed.

I hummed, don't know what to say but I heard Chaeng's cough so I know I can't go and leave her yet.

"I'll try, Chaeng wanted to watch a movie and we just bought tickets." I lied. "Just make yourself comfortable there, I'll go home as soon as I can." I even added in a rush.

"Okay, I love..."

I hang up the phone without even waiting for her I love you. I can't say it back knowing I can't even show it to her.

Then again I heard Chaeng's cough I rushed to her side to rub her back.

She gave me a sad smile but I reciprocated it with a nod of assurance.

Jennie will surely understand.


Jennie rolled her eyes to me when she caught me staring for the nth time.

"Can you stop that?" She said after a while.

"Stop what?" I asked feigning innocence.

She scoffed.

I chuckled but she didn't laugh even smile.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled afterwards.

"Why you kept doing this, Lisa?"

I stiffened because of that sudden question.

"W-What do you mean?" I stuttered.

She heaved a sigh.

She looks at me intently then goes back to what her previously doing.

"Never mind." She whispered.

I know what she meant, that I always take things lightly so I can avoid arguments or confrontations. I'm not fond of those things cause for me I have no right to feel emotions, not until Jennie.

I saw how she hastily hide and wiped tears off of her cheeks. Once again, I hurt her. I hurt the only person who sticks by my side despite not knowing everything about me.


She cleared her throat.

"N-Not now Lisa." Her tone is desperate.

I nodded despite her not seeing me.

"Let's go back inside. It's almost lunch." I softly stated and she just hummed as an acknowledgement.

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