Be Alright - Part 1

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Lisa's POV

I immediately divert my eyes when I noticed that she'll look to my direction. I gulp and about to sigh in relief when I thought I'll be able to pass by from their table without no one noticing, specially most of the people around her are my friends if not acquaintances (classmates), but I stopped when Seulgi called me.

I tightly closed my eyes to calm my nerves before turning to face them.

"Hey, Lisa?" She greeted.

"H-Hey, Seulgs." I responded not removing my eyes from Seulgi cause the girl I'm avoiding eye contact to is just sitting casually beside her and I'm aware from my peripheral view that all of them from that table are looking at me, including HER.

"You're in advance programming, right? I mean you're in that class?" She inquired.

I creased my brows in confusion because of her out of the blue question.

"Hmm, yeah? Why?" I question as well out of curiosity.

"Great!" She exclaimed. "Can you take a look at this? We can't figure this out, Jennie here..." She pointed to Jennie. (yup, the girl I'm avoiding eye contact with, now I had no choice but to look at her, she's also looking at me with blank expression) "...almost did it but there's still missing thing that's why we're not getting the result we want and we can't point out what's wrong." She continued giving me an excuse to removed my eyes off of her and look back to Seulgi's laptop.

I hummed as acknowledgement.

"May I?" I asked for approval if I can take a look.

"Of course, sure." Seulgi immediately make way by standing up and letting me sit on her previous spot which is beside Jennie.

It is kinda awkward because everyone's silent (Stream Money, Lalisa and SG) while I'm checking and all eyes on me.

After couple of minutes.

"Oh I think this is what's missing." I informed.

"What the hell?!" Seulgi exclaimed.

I froze when I felt hands cupping my face. Its too late to react, someone kissed me on my cheek.

"You're our savior!" Jennie stated after pulling away maybe not realizing what she just did.

My eyes widen but I need to stay calm. She kissed me, how is that even possible?

"You're welcome?" I answered awkwardly and she just smiled at me. Her gummy smile.

"You really made the Queen Bee happy, Lisayah." Seulgi said afterwards patting my shoulder breaking the eye contact Jennie and I having, cause we're just looking at each other for I don't know how long.

"Yah! I told you to stop calling me that!" Jennie cutely complained, now looking at Seulgi.

Everyone on that table started teasing Jennie and some are thanking me.

I'm about to excuse myself as well cause some already excuse themselves to go back to their respective classes even Seulgi, when I felt someone's grip on my shirt making me stop.

"You're really leaving without properly introducing yourself?"

If you're guessing its Jennie, you're absolutely right.

"I ah..." I stuttered.

She chuckled.

"I'm Jennie Kim, I assumed you already know my name by now because of how they've been teasing me..." She roll her eyes making me chuckled. "...I just hope you didn't believe the Queen Bee thing. It's kinda derogatory, you know." She added jokingly.

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