My Kind of Relationship

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Jennie's POV

"Jendeuk?" I removed my eyes away from the TV screen and look at Jisoo Unnie.

I hummed as acknowledgement.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Where's your girlfriend?" She inquired.

I checked my wrist watch.

"Well, she's probably at home by now." I informed. "Why?" I questioned, I'm the one who got curious this time.

Unnie shook her head.

"Nothing." She simply answered as she divert her attention back into watching TV.

I looked at her intently to read what she possibly thinking but when I still don't get an answer I decided to just let the topic pass.

She'll spill it eventually.

Jisoo's POV

"Hey? Lisa!" I called when I spotted her.

"Jisoo Unnie!" She greeted back happily. She even bouncing as she runs to my location.

I chuckled, such a kid.

She gave me a quick hug the moment she reached me.

"I missed you Unnie!" She exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Of course we'll miss you, you've been MIA for weeks now." I joked but it's half meant.

She pouted guilty.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so overwhelmed with school works the past weeks." She reasoned. "I missed a lot of deadlines because of the dance competition so the moment its done I focus my time in making it up to what I misses." She added.

Well, that's true. Lisa is one of our University's Representatives when it comes to dancing competitions, she even won in National Championship last time so it's all worth it.

"Aren't you exempted?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"I wish I am but I'm not." She chuckled. "Professors just gave me an ample time to complete the projects." She explained.

I hummed.

"So that's the reason why you and Jennie aren't spending time together?" I'm able to ask the question that been bothering me for quite a while now.

She creased her brows.

"We aren't?" She confirmed as if that's a new information.

"Well, yeah? I haven't seen you two together." I answered. "Are you still together? I mean like couple?" I added.

"Yah! Of course Unnie." She whined. "Why would you even think that we broke up? In fact we're going strong." She defended.

I raised my brow in disbelief.

You see, my little sister Jennie, she's not the typical kind of girl that lasts in a relationship so when these two became official, I thought it will just lasts for couple of months but surprise, surprise,  they're now in their 2nd year as couple. 

You're asking why I thought that way? Well, Jennie loves her "me" time. The moment her partner became clingy that's the moment she loses interest.

And Lisa? She is the living definition of the word "clingy".

My thoughts get interrupted when Lisa continues.

"I know what you're thinking Unnie, you're wondering why we're still together despite not spending much time with each other? Actually the answer is also the doubt you have on us the moment we started dating." She cryptically answered.

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