Media Play - Part 3

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Lisa's POV

I don't know how long but I'm glad I'm able to sleep maybe its because of too much crying and exhaustion from my long hour drive yesterday. I checked the clock in my bed side table. It's half an hour before my alarm.

I groggily get up to prepare to class even I don't have the will to face the reality. I also need to talk to my Dad.

I hold my chest and smile sadly. Is this what broken hearted feels like? A tear fell from my eye. "Fvck!" I mumbled and harshly remove the tears started pouring. I thought I already cried everything last night.


"Sh*t!" I exclaimed. "What the?!" I saw Jennie lying on the ground as she caress her head. She's leaning to my room's door that's why when I opened it she fell flat on the ground. "Jennie?" I confirmed even though I'm sure already. "What are you doing there? I thought you went home? Are you sleeping there the whole time?" I continued.

She fixed herself first before getting up to face me.

She shyly smile. "Uh, yeah, we need to talk Lisa." She answered.

I sighed.

"I told you I get it, okay? Don't make this too hard for me than it actually is." I said being annoyed.

She bit her lips.

"I ah, I'm really sorry." She almost whispered but enough for me to hear. I can see that she also cried, her eyes mirror sadness just like mine the only difference is hers is because of guilt, I know its guilt. It should be guilt.

Despite being mad at her I can't change the fact that I'm still in love with her. It will not change overnight even how much hurt she caused me.

"You should go home." I instructed.

She stubbornly shook her head.

This is the first time I see her like this.

"You're mad." She state the obvious causing me to roll my eyes. If we are in a normal situation she will surely scold me for being mean.

"I'm not mad, Jennie." I lied. I'm still tired of what happened yesterday and I don't have the energy to deal with it again today.

She rush towards me to hug me. It caught me off guard.

"I'm so sorry, Lili." She apologized for the nth time, her face buried in the crook of my neck causing my heart to feel the excruciating pain. Her hug used to bring butterflies but now it's as if she's ripping it out of my chest.

"Jen.." she interrupted what I'm about to say by pulling away a little to cup my face.

"I-I can't lose you." She said looking directly to my eyes.

I gritted my teeth.

"You can't lose me Jennie, I'm the one who lost you." I said meaningfully as I removed her away from me. "Oh, that's as if I even have you in the first place." I added after the realization that everything is just an act.

She shook her head hastily in disapproval, she's now crying again.

Why are you even crying Jennie? This should've not hurt you. I said to myself.

When I got out of my bathroom she no longer in my condo.




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