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Lisa's POV

I immediately removed my gaze to a certain feline eyed girl for the 3rd time. To be honest the moment she entered the door I can no longer concentrate, it's as if my full attention always drifting back to her.

It's kinda weird though, cause every time I looked at her she always caught me looking. Is it mean she's also looking at me too? Argh! That's silly. Maybe I'm creeping her out already, she's even with her boyfriend.

I tried to return my focus in front and listen to on going discussion despite the urge to look at that specific girl once again.




"Yah!" I was startled when someone whispered that to my ear. "Ouch!" I exclaimed cause I even bit my lower lip.

"Sh*t! You okay Lili?" Jennie asked me worriedly as she made me turned to look at her. She even cupped my face. "Your lip is bleeding!" She panicked.

She's adorable but I retained my blank expression.

"I'm so sorry!" She apologized guiltily.

"Kiss it." I said flatly. I'm just messing with her, cause she really looked guilty.

"W-What?" She asked nervously.

"Well they said one way to ease the pain is to kiss it away, right? So kiss it Nini." I answered in all seriousness but deep inside I want to laugh already.

She looked at me intently then diverted her eyes back to my cut lip.

I gasped and my eyes widen when she pecked my lips. It's like a millisecond but I felt it. When I look at her, her eyes also widen in shock.

"You kissed me." I mumbled the obvious.

"B-But you said...oh crap!" She frustratingly said when she realized what happened. "You're just messing with me, right. This is so embarrassing! Argh! I hate you!" She removed her hands that cupping my face and about to leave me there but I stopped her, this time I'm the one who cupped her face.

"Yah! You don't mean that." I countered. Hey? Hey? It's okay Nini, we're good." I assured her but she still avoiding my eyes. "Look at me." I instructed and good thing she followed.

She rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"You kissed me." I repeated to teased her.

She slapped my hands off of her face and about to leave again but I didn't let her.

"Now you'll always reminds me of this embarrassing moment." She whined.

"Who said it's embarrassing?"

"I hate that smile." She pointed out pertaining to my teasing grin.

I leaned and pecked her lips just like her kiss it's like a millisecond.

She touched her lips and with widen eyes she said. "You kissed me."

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