Cuddles and Kisses - Final

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Jennie's POV

I was startled when I felt someone hug me from behind.

"Yah! Lalisa!" I whined.

Lisa just chuckled before kissing and sniffing my shoulder.

"Why you always smells good, Nini?" She mumbled.

This time I'm the one who chuckled.

"Cause I know someone will always sniff me." I answered pertaining to her habit.

Her hug tighten.

"Don't say that." She complained.

I gently removed her arms around my waist and turned to face her, I even cling my arms around her nape.

"Why? Are you falling now?" I teased and she just pouted.

"Can I?"

I stiffened, I'm not ready to answer that question cause deep inside I don't know the answer either.

I just pecked her lips before going back to what I'm previously doing.

I ignored her question.

"Sit down, I'm almost done with our breakfast."

I heard that she heaved a sigh.

How can I break the rule that I personally set in the first place? I'm not even sure if I'm now ready to commit or it's still my pride acting up.



[still Jennie's POV]

"Lisa." I called Lisa the moment I spot her with a girl. In normal situation I'll just wait for her in my car but I don't know what gotten to me and approached her now.

I saw that she was startled when she heard me. I can't blame her, even though we're studying in a same campus we rarely spent time here. We usually in my condo or her place. We did hang out a couple of times as well but we still preferred to be in the safety of our place.

"Err Jen?" She awkwardly acknowledged me.

"Let's go." I invited.

She became pale in an instant. Don't tell me she forgot? She look at the girl beside her apologetically. The said girl gave her a small smile and a nod.

Lisa scratched her nape.

"I'll follow Jen. I already told Rosé here that I'll help her with her presentation."

What the?!

Is she choosing that girl over me?

I raised my brow at her then looked at the girl beside her, coldly. She gulped once again.

I want to shout at her and ask her who the hell is that girl for you to prioritize? But I remember we're just friends who occasionally cuddles and kisses.

I nod at her and left them there.


[still Jennie's POV]

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