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Jennie's POV

"I ah, the food is ready Jen. Let's eat."

I heard Lisa said stuttering.

I can't help but chuckled. Good, she's still affected just like the old times.

I'll win you back Lisa. I promise.


[Jennie's POV]

I stiffened when I felt someone hugs me from behind but relaxes eventually knowing it's Lisa.

"Morning Gorgeous."

I chuckled.

"It's already noon, Love." I corrected her. "...but yeah, I'm gorgeous." I added joking, she chuckled cutely.

Her chin on my shoulder, I turned to give her cheek a quick kiss.

"Sit down, I'll serve us food." I instruct. She hummed then kissed my hair before obliging.

She seated on our kitchen island.

After a couple more minutes I'm done

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After a couple more minutes I'm done. I went by her side and put the food on her plate but Lisa do have different plan in her mind, she cornered me by putting her hand on the table's edge then she sniff my shoulder. She love doing that and I'm not complaining. I even felt goosebumps, a good kind.

"Lisaa..." I warned, I know what she's trying to do. "Let's eat." I added almost breathlessly cause her hands now caressing my tummy.

"I think I want to eat something else, baby." She said huskily.

I playfully rolled my eyes despite the fact that she can't fully see my face.

"Lisa, you literally had me just an hour ago." I reminded her and that made her laugh.

"Oh? Did I?" She teased.

"Uhuh." I responded then turned to face her. Her hands automatically landed on my waist while I encircled my arms around her nape, I'm standing between her thighs. "If you're not aware, we need real food to survive, silly." I continued.

"Nope." She countered. "I just need YOU in my life to survive, Nini." She lovingly added.

I pouted then cupped her face, squishing it.

"You're really a sweet talker, Manoban." I said chuckling, she joined me and chuckle as well.

"Yup, that's me. Now give me my kiss." She pouted too.

"Only if it's JUST a kiss then we'll eat after." I raised my brow.

"Eat what?" She asked.

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