Be Alright - Part 3

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Lisa's POV

I smiled seeing Jennie's laugh.

"That's hilarious. Stop it, Lisa!" She said between her laughs. If you're wondering what's happening, well let's just say that after we watched the movie, I can't now stop copying Olaf and sometimes even Anna or Elsa's moment and Jennie find it funny so even if I'm aware that I looked like a fool, I still continue.

Her laughs are worth it after all.

I didn't realize that I'm already staring and she already stopped laughing.

She raised her brow, in a teasing manner.

"You're staring." She pointed out.

That brought me back to reality.

"I..ah? No." I denied, now looking around except her.

She chuckled.

"Yeah right, Manoban." She said unconvinced.

I'm about to continue to defend myself but she squealed and unconsciously grab my arm and drags me to I don't know where.

"Look! It's snowing!" She exclaimed happily.

I smiled. "Yeah, it is." Not looking around just her.

She pouted. "You're doing it again." She whined.

"Doing what?" I scratched the back of my neck now avoiding eye contact. This is so embarrassing, when will I learn not to be mesmerized by that beauty or at least avoid being caught while staring at her.

I gulped nervously when I didn't hear any response from her, so even if I don't want to, I gathered all my remaining courage in me and look at the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life, her feline eyes...and there she is looking back at me with her blank expression. It didn't erase the fact of how pretty she really is.

"You're.really.pretty.that'" I said unconsciously. I cursed under my breath.


I heaved a deep sigh then look at her.

"I-ah, ahm, I said ah, you're really pretty Jen, I mean, Jennie. I ah, can't help but a admi...I mean stare." I stuttered.

She walked near me and when she's a feet away she lift her right hand. I thought she'll slap me because she felt offended of my honesty. I even closed my eyes tightly to wait for the pain to inflict but a minute past and I didn't feel any so I decided to open my left eye first to check what is happening only to see a smiling Jennie.

"I fixed your bangs, Manobangs." She proudly stated with a teasing grin, she still looking up to my bangs.

I gulped because of our close proximity.

"Yah!" I fake being offended for the tension to break but I guess it didn't work cause her eyes that's looking to my eyes now staring to my eyes, looking at me intently.

"You're pretty too, Lisa." She said almost a whisper that for sure only me can hear it.

I don't know how long we've been staring at each other. All I know is, if I do have a choice I will choose not to end this.

Then my eyes look down to her lips then back to her eyes and she's doing the same, I even saw her gulped as well. Did she also feel the same?

I'm about to do a bold move by leaning in until...


She cutely sneeze.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" She apologized as she helps me wipe my face.

Yup, she sneezed right on my face. I don't mind though.

I chuckled before removing my jacket then made her wear it. I didn't let her ask question because I already guide her to where my car is.

"Let's go before we catch a cold." I mumbled only enough for her to hear.

She didn't respond and just let me.

When we're already inside my car I'm aware that she's staring.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"How did you know about my allergy?" She asked.

I gulped. I thought she already let that pass.

"I ah..."

"Who you really are, Lisa?" She asked with all seriousness on her voice.

"Well, ah..." I stuttered while avoiding her gaze.

Should I confess? I mean, is that even consider a confession or I will just look like a creep?

She chuckled.

"Nah, don't answer that maybe I'm being really loud during lunch that's why you're aware." She said dismissively while shaking hear head in disbelief.

I sigh in relief.

She's really loud though.



I smiled.

"Thank you for the dinner." I stated and she immediately shook her head.

"No, I should be the one saying thank you." She countered.

"Well, let's be thankful together." I joked.

She pouted but chuckled afterwards.

"Much better." She responded.

"Go inside now, it's already chilly." I announced and as if on cue she remembered the jacket lend her.

"Oh! You're jacket I almost forgot."

But I stopped her.

"Just give it back tomorrow."

She raised her brow while I creased my brows because of confusion.

"You want me to wash it first, I see."

"What? No. No, of course not." I eveb raised both my hands to gesture that, that's not what I meant.

She laugh.

"I'm just messing with you, Lisa." She admitted now giving me her gummy smile. "It's comfy." She added.


"Your jacket, it's comfy." She cleared.


I don't know what to react all I know is if my my face is turning red right now it's not because of cold but because of what she said.

She walked near me.

"Bye, Manobangs!" She waved a little before turning her back.

I'm just staring and contemplating what just happened.

Did she really kissed me?


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