Let Go - Part 2

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"Where have you been?"

"Jeez! You startled me, Lisa!" I exclaimed holding my chest as I turned to face her. She is sitting on the edge of my bed with a blank expression.

"I been texting and calling you but you're not answering your phone. I'm worried." She added, ignoring my complaint.

I heaved a sigh.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I apologized just for her to stop questioning me. "I didn't notice the time, when I checked it's already late. My phone's battery also empty." I continued.

"Next time please tell me where you'll go or if you'll go home late so I have something to say if your parents ask about your whereabouts."

I froze. So they're both here huh?

Maybe Lisa noticed my reaction so she added.

"Don't worry, I told them you're just sleeping."

I hummed then turned around. Maybe to hide my face from Lisa. Whatever the situation is, even if not saying anything directly to Lisa she always tend to read my emotions.

"What would I expect, of course they'll believe that and won't bother to check up on me." I answered. Despite expecting that reality, I can't deny the disappointment in my tone and of
course Lisa noticed that.

"Jen..." She's about to say something, maybe to console me but I'm tired of being pitied so I take off of my clothes in front of her instead to distract her and that made her stop instantly.

I saw in my peripheral view that she removed her eyes off of me.

I smirked. She's such a cutie.

"You're acting as if you never saw me naked, Lisa." I teased her.

She cleared her throat and still not looking at me.

"I-I'll go now." She informed but I rushed to her and hug her from behind. Yup, I'm still naked.

"Can you stay here, please? I missed you." I mumbled on her left shoulder.

She took a deep breathe before removing my arms that wrapped around her waist. She faced me then cups my face.

"I missed you too. Now wear something before you catch cold." She directed.

I grinned.

"I have a better idea."

She creased her brows, maybe because of confusion.

She's about to open her mouth but I immediately pecked the side of her lips.

"Keep me warm." I whispered looking directly to her eyes.

I saw that she gulped. I internally celebrated. It's been a while since the last time Lisa and I made love

I closed my eyes when I notice that she's leaning in. I waited for her lips to land on mine but it's been a minute and I'm not feeling her lips yet so I have no choice but to open my eyes.

She's smirking. I widen my eyes when she made me wear her oversized shirt. Don't ask about why the hell her shirt is in my room, because Lisa and I literally live at each others house so our things can be found on both houses.

I smacked her shoulder.

She groaned.

"Yah! What was that for?" She asked innocently as if oblivious of what's happening. Argh! It's embarrassing.

"I hate you." I stated.

She pouted.

"You don't mean that." She countered.

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