Bite Me

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Disclaimer: Not an expert with this theme so I might write "scenes" not vampire-y, like characteristics or facts about them, so kindly educate me and the next time (if there's any) I'll write something with vampires involved I'm already knowledgeable enough. TIA! 


"Waah!" I screamed.

"Waah!" The person no, the goddess in front of me screamed as well, maybe she was startled with my scream.

"What the hell?!" She added.

I creased my brows. If there is someone who should ask that, it should be me.

I ignored her.

"What are you doing inside my condo? How did you get in?" I asked non stopped.

She raised her both arms as if surrendering.

"Woah! Take it easy hot stuff." She answered eyeing not my face but my body. Then I remembered I'm just wearing a robe and nothing inside. Of course she'll know, that's her forte.

"Eyes up here, Kim." I stated authoritatively.

She pouted.

"You're no fun, Manoban." She countered. "Wait? That's actually rhyme! Gosh! I'm so genius." Obviously she's talking to herself. She put out her phone afterwards and type something. I have a bad feeling for this. After a minute or two she showed me her phone.

Yup, she changed my name in her phone.

Every month or no scratch that, every time she thought of something she thinks cute (for her and annoying for me) she wants to call me, she will immediately put it as my caller ID. Now she changed it to "No fun, Manoban".

She grinned at me, as if what she did is really admirable. I just scoffed then go back to my room to wear something decent. I don't want to take a risk, it's still full moon.

I was brought back to reality when she immediately jump to me the moment I went out my room. I'm glad, I'm able to catch her.

She's kissing my face non stopped.

"I miss you so so so so much, Lili!"

I can't helped but chuckle. For a vampire, she's so clingy, specially about the fact that we just literally saw each other 3 days ago.

She pulled away and looks at me intently.

"Didn't you missed me?" She inquired.

I put her down and cupped her face.

"Of course, I missed you. I'm worried." I honestly stated.

"Why? You know we're much stronger during this season." She boast.

I heaved a sigh.

"Yeah, I'm all aware of that fact, but hunters are more active during this time as well." I countered.

"Point taken." She shrugged then directed to my coach. She patted the space there indicating she wants me to follow, which I obliged.

She opened her arms and I gave in. My face pressed on her chest.

She smells so good.

"So how did you get in?" I almost whispered. I'm already sleepy because of what she's doing to my scalp, she's massaging it.

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