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Lisa's POV
I'm about to retreat my steps the moment I spotted Jennie but it's too late, she already saw me.

"Hey? Hey? Lisa?!"

I heaved a sigh before turning around to face her.

"Oh! Hi Jen? What's up?"

She gave me her gummy smile, my weakness.

"Ahm, I'm wondering if we can hang out after class?" She asked hopeful. "I-ah, there's a new set of make up that just released from my favorite brand that I want to check." She added.

I thought for a while. Should I allow myself to be her "go-to" person each and every time she's single?

I scratched the back of my head. I'm not used to in declining Jennie but after what happened the last time, I promise I won't let myself be treated as an option once again.

"I-ah, I'm sorry Jen, I have a prior commitment later." I responded.

"Oh. No, I mean, don't apologize, it's cool." She stated sounding enthusiastic but I know her, sometimes I'm thinking that I even know her more than herself.

I nodded and about to leave her but she hold my arm and again it made me stop.

I waited for her to say something but she just tip toed and pecked my cheek.

"I missed you, Lili." She mumbled after she pulled away.

I gulped.

Not again Jen, not again.

I gave her a small smile then ruffled her hair that cause her to whined.

I chuckled.

"I missed you too, Nini."

I didn't wait for her response and continue walking away, walking away from my pain and happiness at the same time.


I stiffened seeing Jennie just outside my room.

What is she doing here?

She immediately lift her hand to wave at me the moment she spotted me. I awkwardly reciprocated her wave.

Maybe I'm not the reason she's here so I walked on the opposite way without walking near her but she called my name.


I gulped.

"Oh? Hi Jen." I greeted her with my small smile.

She raised her brow. It made me nervous all of a sudden.

"Are you avoiding me?" She inquired in her cold intimidating voice.

"What? Why would I?" I tried to act innocently.

She looked at me intently as if scrutinizing me before she heaved a sigh.

"I'm sorry, I just ah, it's been a long time since we talk and hang out so I thought that maybe it is because you're avoiding me." She explained sadly. "You're not answering my texts and calls either." She added.

"That...yeah. Sorry about that Jen, I'm kinda busy with all the requirements and stuff, you know, typical things about graduating students." I reasoned out and I hope she'll let this pass. She's also graduating so maybe she know the drill.

But I know she's not used to me being "busy" when it comes to her. She's my priority. Used to be my priority, actually. 

She nodded.

"Yeah, I totally get it." She stated. "Just wondering if you can hang out with me at my place now? I mean, it's already Friday, we can watch movies? Just like before?" She asked hopeful.

I don't know what to feel, really. I mean, the school's queen bee inviting me to hang out with her? Well, I'm not foreign about this, were best friends, closest friends until I fell for her. Yup, I was in love with her. Good thing the moment I confessed about my feelings, Jennie accepted it but told me to forget about it cause she value our friendship more than anything else, I plead if I can court her, I mean all I want is to show her how much she means to me. She agreed but not just to me, she also agreed to her other admirers. For three years I courted her, I will just stop if she agreed to be the girlfriend of one of her admirers then goes back to courting her again the moment they broke up only to be rejected again. That's a cycle. She'll be with me if she's single then left me hanging if she's with someone. Imagine how hurt I am every time she'll agree to be the official girlfriend of those while me? At the end of the day I'm still hoping that maybe I'll get my time to be with her too, someday, if I will just be patient, that maybe she'll realize that those people never see her the way I sees her. Until this year happen, I realized that maybe we're just wasting each others time, that maybe I am just wasting my time showing to her that I love her when on her eyes, she never sees me the way I want her to see me. Overall, maybe I got tired, I guess.

Not her fault though. It's on me.

So one morning I woke up and told myself, it's enough. I can't do this anymore. We're already graduating and maybe after this I will able to forget her eventually.

She's giving me a hard time though. Her constant texting and calling, her showing up unannounced and inviting me randomly, these are not helping me to move forward.


She bit her lower lip, her habit if she's suppressing her emotion.

I tightly closed my eyes then nod at her.

"Okay." I mumbled and as if like magic her gummy smile appeared.

"Really?" She confirmed happily.

"Yeah, how can I say no to that puppy eyes of yours." I admitted and that made her pout.

"Well, it's been a while since you been affected by it so I thought, I already lost my charms when it comes to you." She honestly responded.

"That will never happen, Kim." I assured her but she seems unconvinced. I'm about to push it but she already shrugged dismissing the topic.

"Just be with me later, okay?" She asked hopeful and I had no choice but to nod.

"Great." She happily stated then pecked my cheek before waving. "See you later, Lili." She added.

I'm still looking at the path where she went.

"Yup, I'm doomed." I mumbled to myself.

Apologies for errors. 😢

Super Belated Happy Birthday Rosé! I love you so much our Angel! 🥺💛 Can't wait for your solo, Love. 🤗


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P.S: Don't judge me. 😂 I tried to update during her birthday but failed. ☹️

Congratulations to Jenlisa as well for having almost 6M subscribers! Keep watching their videos also support YWY for our mentor Lisa! And to my Chu, for being the official itMICHAA muse. 💓

Keep Safe and thank you for reading! 🖤

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