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Jennie's POV

"Hey? You okay Lili?" I asked Lisa, my best friend, for the nth time today. Actually, since last week I already noticed her zoning out a lot of the time.

I even snapped my fingers in-front of her to get her attention, gladly this time, I succeeded.

"Oh? What was that, Nini?" She inquired looking at me in her cutely confused face.

I can't help but lift my right hand and caress her cheek. She stiffened so I creased my brows.

"I asked if you're okay? You zone out often these past days." I mumbled in my concern tone.

She gave me a smile but I know that it's not her genuine smile.

"I'm okay, Nini. Don't mind me. Maybe I'm still in culture shock of what college looks like. I mean, this is new, like huge, huge thing." She animatedly explained that made me giggle.

Yup, we're now in our 1st year as college students. It's indeed nerve wrecking experience but with her at my side, there is nothing to be afraid of really. I guess that's not the case for her.

I gave her an understanding smile after squeezing her cheeks that made her complain.

"You know, there's nothing to be afraid of Lili. This experience and surrounding might be new to us but since we're together for sure we can conquer it, just like before." I assured her.

She's about to say something but we're interrupted by group of students, well, let me rephrase that, we're interrupted by the university's popular group.

"Sorry to interrupt lovebirds."

The girl with blonde hair stated and I'll lie if her statement doesn't affect me. I subtly look at Lisa's reaction. I suppressed my smile seeing her cheeks. Is she blushing too? But my mood immediately changed when she speak on our behalf.

"We're not lovebirds, just best friends."

"Told you guys, they're single." The guy who's wearing our university's jacket stated.

"Not to be rude but how can we help you?" I tried to sound civil but deep inside I'm already annoyed that they're taking our lunch time. Lisa and I supposedly eating in peace talking about anything we think of.

"Feisty. Just the way I like it."

I subtly hold Lisa's hand that's resting on her thigh to calm her because I already noticed that she's clenching her jaw.

Little did we know that, that encounter will truly change our entire college life.

End Of Flashback

I was brought back to reality when I felt someone tapping my shoulder.


I immediately turned to look at Lisa's face. Her expression mirrors worry.

"Huh? I'm sorry I zoned out." I apologized, after removing my eyes off of her.

"We can reschedule this if you're busy, you know?" She stated after a while. We're now on our way to my car.

I shook my head.

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