Our Story

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Lisa's POV

I heaved a sigh browsing the magazine I've been featured to, but stiffened when I felt someone hugs me from behind.

"Poopoo, you're here!"

"Yah! You startled me Jennie Kim." I whined.

She just giggled then put her chin on my right shoulder to sneakily check what I'm currently holding.

"Ops, sorry." She mumbled afterwards, sniffing me. I subtly tried to hide the magazine but Jennie being Jennie, of course she noticed. "What's that, though?" She added asking.

"Oh! This? Nothing, I just received the copies of magazines I've been covered and featured to." I dismissively answered. I put it on my top shelf (yes, so she can't reach) and about to turn to face her so I can distract her but she didn't let that happen.

"Really?" She excitedly exclaimed. "Where's my copy?" She added pouting.

I turned to face her this time and squished her mandu cheeks.

"You're literally in that pictorials baby. Nothing in there that you didn't see." I answered hoping she'll let this topic slide but yup that didn't happened.

"Regardless, Lalisa. You know I always get a copy of each magazines you're being the cover or even being featured." She reasoned.

Well, I can't argue with that cause that's the sweetest. Imagine your girl being so supportive of you, so I don't have a choice but to get the copy I already hid and hand it to her regrettably.

She happily accepted it like a child and I just watch her as she browsed it.

"This turned out so good, Love..." She commented after a while of browsing then gave me a quick look so she can winked at me before going back to what she's previously doing...browsing.

I playfully rolled my eyes cause for Jennie Kim, if I am involved nothing is bad, that's for sure.

"...though nothing can beat with the original piece right here." She added pertaining to me, as she gently put down the magazine on her side then cup my face. "What's the best part?" She asked looking to my eyes intently.

I'm lost with that beautiful feline eyes. My favorite set of eyes.

"What?" I mumbled when I recovered.

"I own it." She huskily stated.

I can't help but to lean to kiss her lips this time.

She immediately put her arms around my nape to reciprocate the kiss.

When we're about to loss air, I pulled away a little just to look at her face.

"Yes, just yours Ms. Kim." I assured her and that made her smile, her gummy smile.

"Why you seem bothered when I saw you earlier, Love?"

I stiffened, thought she already forgot about it but yes, she always notices.

I shook my head.

"Baby, please? Tell me what's bothering you." She insisted.

She's now massaging and tugging my hair and that relaxes me.

My hands on the sides of her waist.

I took a deep breath.

"I'm just sad that I can no longer be my 100% self in answering questions for interviews unlike before." I confessed and just like a light bulb Jennie remembered.

"That magazine interview?" She confirmed looking at the magazine on our side.

I nodded.

Well, even Jennie was around during that pictorials she wasn't allowed to be in the interview cause as much as possible we avoid lots of people to see us together, more of the management avoid that.

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