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Lisa's POV

I woke up and immediately search for a specific person but she's not yet here.

I sighed. She's still mad.

I directed to bathroom and washed up.

I'll call her later or much better if I'll fetch her. I mumbled to myself as I continue walking to our kitchen.

I gasped seeing the person I'm currently thinking, she's busying herself cooking pancake.

I back hug her as I buried my face to her neck.

She stiffened for a moment, maybe because she was startled.

"You're here." I mumbled.

"This is my house, Lalisa." She reminded that made me chuckled.

I turned off the stove and made her look at me. I even cupped her face.

"You still mad?" I asks gently.

"Who told you I'm mad?" She questioned back.

I pouted.

"I thought you're jealous." I stated sadly and she just laugh humorlessly.

She even poked my nose before going back to what she's previously doing.

"Why would I be jealous? We're nothing." She stated as a matter of factly.

I'll lie if I didn't feel any pang of pain on what she said.

I sighed.

"Oh. Yeah."

That's the only thing I said.

"I'll just take a bath." I added so she won't be suspicious but before I even successfully leave she stopped me.

"Sit down, let eat first." She instructed.

I'm about to decline cause I know my tears already threatening to fall but when I look at her face, it looks she won't take no for an answer.

I took a deep breath before walking back and settled to our dining table.

No one dared to talk after that. She served me food though, which she rarely do. She even made me a coffee.

We ate in silence until she decided to broke it.

"So, who's that girl?"

I creased my brows looking at her confusedly.

She just raised her brow.

Then I remembered Mina.

"A classmate."

I mumbled.


I'm about to stand up because I'm done but again she speak. I groaned internally.

"So she really do have a chance on you, huh?" She flatly stated that made me froze on my seat.

She heard it?


[still Lisa's POV]


I stiffened when I heard a familiar voice from my behind.

I turned around hesitantly.

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