déjà vu (Traitor Part 4)

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Lisa's POV


"Well I changed my mind." I said in all seriousness.

Jennie pouted, I can't help but pepper her squishy cheeks with light kisses causing her to giggle.

"You're so mean, Manoban." She said like a baby after she recovered. Our faces still inch closer and I'm still holding her face.

(If you're wondering what was that, well, she thought I will not be here to support her for their cheer dance competition so imagine her shock when she saw me. On the other hand I honestly thought I won't make it too but I'm glad, I'm here.)

I chuckled.

"I'm not. I'm just in love." I boldly stated while staring intently to her eyes causing her to blush.

"Yah! What's with you, huh?" Jennie groaned. That's one of her habits if she's caught off guard so she can hide her emotions. She rarely shows it cause for her it makes her weak.

I shook my head and just pulled her for a long tight hug. It's been a while since I hug Jennie like this, or maybe the feeling of hugging her like this. She hugs back in much tighter hug. We both sigh in content.

"No matter what your reasons are, I'm happy you're here." She mumbled. Her face in the crook of my neck.

I smiled sadly. It hurts knowing how thankful she is by me doing just the bare minimum.

"I'm so..."

She pulled away.

"Don't you dare apologize, Manoban." She warned and I chuckled (a forced one).

I nodded then lean to peck her lips.

"I love you so much, Nini. You're my escape in this tiring world." I sincerely stated after.

"I love you too so much Lili." She responded then goes back in her previous position, inside my arms.

Despite us lacking time together, us being this close is enough to tell how much we value each other and with that, I'm contented.

I thought it's enough.


I was brought back to reality when I heard this Mino guy asked Jennie.

"Let me carry your luggage Ms. Kim."

"Aww tha..."

"I got it." I interrupted them then snatched it from Jennie's  hand without looking at her. I know they're both looking at me in confusion but I walked pass them.

I'm glad Jennie didn't complain.

"Wow." Jennie mumbled the moment we reached Mino's house and I can't help but to ogle too.

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