Intoxicated - Epilogue

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Disclaimer: This is just a fanfic and everything here is just a product of my imagination. It's not my intention to bad mouth people. I like Mino in real life. 🖤


Jennie's POV

"No way." I mumbled to myself but maybe that's enough for anyone beside me to hear cause Lisa immediately hold my hand and give it a squeezed.

"It's okay Nini, you're safe as long I'm here, okay?" She assured.

I nodded.

"B-But if you're not comfortable with this we can..." She added but I immediately shook my head.

"No. I need to do this Lili." I said with conviction. Maybe you're wondering what's happening, well we're now in front of a precinct. Lisa suggested to file a formal complaint against Mino, she said that not everyone is as fortunate as I am, or not everyone has someone to look after them so we need to do something to avoid things to happen again. I understood what she meant and despite being afraid of all the technicalities, Lisa assured me to be on my side until the very end.

End Of Flashback

I was brought back to reality when I felt someone hugs me from behind.

"What are you thinking?" Lisa mumbled on my shoulder as she sniffed me then she looks over to what I'm holding, its a letter from the court, it says that Mino finally sentenced of what he did, not just me but a lot of girls. The moment I spoke up a lot of girls also showed up to file their own complaints against him.

"It's from court. He's going to jail." I informed Lisa.

She hummed then turned me to face her, she even cupped my face.

"You okay?" She asks worriedly.

"More than okay, Lili." I responded. "Thank you." I added. She just chuckled.

I raised my brow.

"What's funny?" I questioned.

"You've been thanking me for the past 2 years Jennie Ruby Jane Kim." She reminded and that made me pout.

"Is it that bad?" I asked again.

"No. actually it's adorable." She answered smiling. My favorite smile of hers, the one that making her eyes glow.

 My favorite smile of hers, the one that making her eyes glow

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"I love you." I stated lovingly.

"Yah!" She whined.

"What?" I asked chuckling. Until now she got all shy every time she heard me say those three little words to her.

She pouted.

"Nothing, I guess until now I'm not used to you saying you love me." She answered pouting.

I wrapped my arms around her neck while she put hers on my sides.

"I always say I love you? What are you talking about?" I teased her.

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