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Angst (?) Kindly Skip. 🤗

Please listen to Exile by Taylor Swift (feat. Bon Iver) while reading. 💓



Lisa's POV

(ctto - I'm sorry I cropped it

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(ctto - I'm sorry I cropped it.)

I can see you standin', honey
With his arms around your body
Laughin' but the joke's not funny at all
And it took you five whole minutes
To pack us up and leave me with it
Holdin' all this love out here in the hall

"Lisa." Jennie almost mumbled as she spotted me.

I gave her a small smile.

"Jennie." I responded, my eyes went to where her hands are, right, she's clinging to someone's arm, someone that's not me. After a month, you really did what you said, to be seen in public...with him.

I can't help but closed my fist tightly, gladly it's inside my pocket.

Of all the places Jennie, why you brought him here? To our favorite place? I asked her inside my head.

I was brought back to reality when Jennie cleared her throat.

"What are you doing here?" She asked casually.

I internally rolled my eyes. What people do in a restaurant Jennie? I asked her again in my head, as if by doing so she'll able to hear me.

"It's obvious babe, just like us, she'll eat." The man beside her interrupt us. Jennie rolled her eyes but the man just chuckled poking the tip of her nose. "Kai." The man introduced as he extend his hand for a handshake, I reluctantly accepted. He seemed clueless, maybe Jennie failed to told stories about me or even showed my picture. Eager much to forget me huh? I scoffed.

"Lisa." I shortly answered then look at Jennie once again. "And yes, to answer your question, I'll eat here."

"Alone?" She confirmed.

I nodded.

"This place holds so much memories that I can't just allow myself to bring random person." I emphasized.

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