Media Play - Part 1

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Lisa's POV

"Let me carry that for you." I asked the girl who's struggling to carry a pile of boxes all by herself.

"Yah! You startled me, Lalisa!" She exclaimed and I can't help but chuckle.

"I'm sorry, Nini." I apologized while getting the boxes off of her hands, not waiting for her response.

She raised her left brow.

"Why you're not in class?" She asked as we continue walking to her office. She's the president of student council by the way.

I gulped avoiding her eyes.

"Lisa?" She called again.

"I, ah, I'm going to comfort room then I saw a cute girl struggling with boxes so I immediately run to help her." I answered.

"Really?" She confirmed sounding not convinced and I just nod.

She just hummed. Thankfully she didn't asks additional question or that's what I've thought.

"Kindly put those on that table, Lili." She pointed and I followed. I'm not aware that she's walking near me and when I'm done putting those boxes I'm the once who got startle this time.

"Geez!" I hold my chest. "You startled me, Ruby Jane." I exclaimed.

She grinned.

"Touché!" She shortly answered still walking near me invading my personal space.

I gulped.

"Err, Jen?" I called her out to at least stop her maybe from what she's supposedly doing but nope she did not stop. She even instructed me to bow down a little to level her which I immediately followed.

I thought she'll flick my forehead for lying about going to comfort room so I tightly closed my eyes but what I feel after is her handkerchief as she wipe my sweat.

"You're sweating." She almost whispered but since our distance is too close I'm able to hear it. I opened my eyes and is welcome by her beautiful feline eyes that I really admire. "Thank you, Lili." She added.

It immediately cause my heart to raise and put a smile on my face.

"It's worth it." I genuinely answered.

She giggle causing for her my another favorite feature of her to show, her gummy smile.

"Silly." She countered.

My eyes widened with her next move. She cupped my face and place a quick kiss on  my lips. Its almost millisecond but I feel it.

She pulled away but our faces still inches away from each other and her hands still holding my face as if checking for my reaction.

This is the first time we kissed.

First time since we became official.

If I know early that carrying boxes for her can cause this kind of reaction I should've carry all the boxes I could find in this university.

My thoughts were cut short when I heard her laugh. I also fixed my position causing for her hands off of my face.

"You know you can kiss me anytime, Lalisa." She stated.

Sh*t. She heard me.

"Right?" She confirmed.

"I, ah.." I stuttered. "Really?"

She shook her head in disbelief.

"You're impossible." She said instead and before I can defend myself again her next move shock me, in a good way.

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