Looking for LOVE (Jennie - Part 1)

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Jennie's POV

I creased my brows after seeing the weird look, Nayeon is giving us.

"What?" I asked when she didn't speak up. I even raised my brow.

She just chuckled.

"Nothing, it's just that if I am not aware that you two are currently in relationship with different persons I'll surely assumed that you guys are couple instead.

I'm about to respond but Lisa stop me by pinching my cheeks using her hand.

I'm about to respond but Lisa stop me by pinching my cheeks using her hand

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She chuckled.

"You're so cute!" She exclaimed.

"See?" Nayeon groaned, pushing her point.

Lisa put her arm around my shoulder and face Nayeon.

"Actually, we get that a lot. Like we're really look good together, right Nini?" She tilt her head to check on me and I nodded cause she's not lying. Every time we're together people around really tagged us as a couple which is we don't bother to correct, we're that comfortable with each other.

Lisa kissed my temple and that made my face heat up. We'll she always does that and every time it made me blush.

"You're even blushing?!" Nayeon exaggeratedly announced.

Lisa giggled.

"Nah, she really do have that complexion, Nabong. Don't embarrass my Nini too much. You don't want to see a fuming kitten, do you?" Lisa challenged.

Nayeon immediately shook her head afterwards and they both laugh.

I just rolled my eyes because of their silliness.

We continue walking to gymnasium where the basketball competition will be held. Since Lisa's arm still on my shoulder, I also wrapped my arm to her waist.

"Seriously though..."

Okay, I thought she's done questioning our friendship.

"What?" I asked again.

"Why not be a real couple instead?" She stated.

I looked at Lisa, I don't know the answer either so I might check on her answer first.

She seemed in deep thought as well.

"To be honest, I never thought about that. I mean my Nini here is a catch, I'll be the luckiest if you know ah.." she stuttered? The confident Lalisa Manoban, stuttered? You got to be kidding.

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