Perfect For Me

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PERFECT FOR ME by Justin Timberlake

Italic Words - Lyrics



Lisa's POV

Mm, mm
I know your favorite song
I hear it everyday

I'm about to enter my room when I felt someone stopping me. When I looked down I see a small hand grasping the hem of my shirt. A smile immediately formed on my face.

I lift my face to looked at her.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Thank you for today, Lili. I'm so happy." She said showing her gummy smile. That sight melts my heart. I don't know why but ever since I met Jennie my heart skip a beat every time she smiles like that, specially if I caused that kind of smile of hers. So I made it a habit to make her smile cause it made me smile too.

I ruffled her hair.

"No need to thank me, I enjoyed it too." I said truthfully. If you're asking what happened, well we spent this day together. We watched the concert of her favorite artist and we also went to her favorite restaurant.

This really a memorable day for me, for us. A memory that I will forever treasure in my heart. We'll soon to debut and I'm afraid that this kind of bonding and experience will be zero to rare chance to happen again. In the kind of industry we choose to be with, a lot of things are forbidden.

 In the kind of industry we choose to be with, a lot of things are forbidden

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I was brought back to reality when I felt something soft on my cheek.

She kissed me, she rarely do that cause ever since I'm the clingy one in the group.

I hold my cheek in disbelief and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Good Night, Lili."

I nodded still speechless. I heard her chuckled before proceeding to her room or their Jisoo Unnie's shared room cause they're roommate.

I smiled. Best day ever!


[Still Lisa's POV]

I scratched my eyes as I directed to our living room, since pre-debut me and the other trainees living in one dorm. I smiled remembering last night when YG announced at last that we're going to debut. After years of hard work it's finally happening. That's one of the happiest days of my life aside being accepted to be a trainee and being part of the life of these precious people in front of me, Jisoo Unnie, a person who taught me of all the things I need to learn about Korea, from learning their language to inviting me to their house every holidays so I won't be alone in the dorm, to Chaeng my twin, who's always caring and treats me like a real sister, the only person I can pour my heart out without me worrying that she'll judge me and lastly to Jennie, my Nini the person who broke the rule of not speak to me in english just because she wants to talk to me, who always there to guide and protect me. It's still early in the morning but I'm so emotional already. I'm so bless to have them in my life, people that are not blood related yet treats me as if their own family. Without them it will surely be hard for me to survive in the country I am foreign to.

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