EXILE - Part Two

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Jennie's POV

"Love?" I called Lisa, my girlfriend.

"Hmm?" She hummed as a respond. She's busy with her take home paperwork.

I pouted.

This is supposed to be our date night but we settled staying at home cause she needs to finish her deadlines.

Maybe she noticed that I didn't respond so she now removed her gaze her to her laptop and look to me.

I'm still pouting.

"Aww, my Nini wants my attention?" She asked teasingly.

I huffed like a kid that cause her to giggle, I was lost for a couple of seconds, until now I can't believe that this girl is mine.

I huffed like a kid that cause her to giggle, I was lost for a couple of seconds, until now I can't believe that this girl is mine

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She closed her laptop and fix her paperworks neatly on her table then walked to where I am.

She's looking at me as if I'm the prettiest and most precious person for her, I swear every time Lisa does this my heart beats erratically and despite the fact that I am all aware that we love each other, still, my feeling about that realization makes my heart full. She kissed my forehead first, I can't help but closed my eyes, I really love Lisa's kisses. Afterwards she pull me for a tight hug. I hug back.

We both sighed in content.

"I love you so much my Nini." She mumbled, her face now buried on my shoulder. Sniffing me, yup she loves doing it, she said my scent can calm her.

"I love you too much Lili." I answered back.

We're both startled when we heard our condo's doorbell. I pulled away and raised my brow to her as if asking what was that?

She just chuckled and kissed my cheek hastily as she stood up and opened the door.

My mouth went agape when she came back holding a big bouquet.

"Lili..." I was speechless, I know I'm on my verge of crying. I'm touched.

She smiled fondly as she hand me the bouquet.

"Yah. Why are you crying?" I didn't noticed that I'm indeed crying when she point that out and wiped my tears.

I shook my head, I don't know either, happy tears I guess.

She kissed my cheeks.

"I know giving you flowers is a lame move of asking your forgiveness but I still did, stupid, right?" She joked that made me chuckled. I sniffed. "I'm so sorry Nini, I know these passed weeks or maybe months already, I rarely gave you my full attention, not that I don't want to, heck, I'll do anything just to be glued on your side 24/7 but that's not how life is." She sadly stated.

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