Let Go - Part 1

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TW: Violence. If not comfortable kindly skip.

Story where in Jennie came from a broken family and she promise to herself that she'll not follow her parents steps when it comes to relationship.



"Ella? Come here baby, don't go that way..."

I tried to reach for my 3 year old child but it's hard specially that I am carrying bags of groceries.

She just chuckled, maybe thinking that we are playing. I heaved a sigh.

"Gotcha!" I heard a familiar voice and when I look at the person she already scoop Ella up and that made my little girl giggle more. When I clearly see who is it, my hunch got answered.

"Lisa? What are you doing here?" I confusedly asked seeing my best friend.

Ella currently nibbling Lisa's jaw making Lisa chuckle.

"Aww you hungry baby?" She ignored my question and asked Ella instead.

My Ella nodded.

Lisa walked near me and reached for the grocery bags for her to carry using her other free hand.

"It is purely coincidental Ms. Kim." She responded smirking.

"Its Mrs." I corrected her.

Her face saddened for a brief second but recovered afterwards.

"Yes, I am all aware." She scoffed.

"Come on, let me treat you for lunch." She stated leading the way. I have no choice but to follow.


She put Ella on her lap.

"What do you want to eat, princess?" Lisa asked as she open the menu and showed it to Ella.

"Shiken (Chicken)." My baby answered.

Lisa laugh then kissed Ella's temple.

"I should've not asked." She said looking at me smiling playfully. I shook my head in disbelief, smiling as well. I will not get used to this sight. I can't stand Lisa's stare so I look down to check the menu myself.

After a couple of minutes the waiter approached us.

I ordered for the three of us not even asking Lisa's consent and when I realized what I did I immediately look at her only to find out that she's looking at me too.

"Lis, I'm sorr..."

She chuckled making me stop to what I am about to say.

"Jen, relax. You act as if you're not doing that our entire lives." She joked. Well, she's partly right, okay maybe not partly, she's right. Lisa is my best friend since childhood so we know everything about each other even the food we prefer.

I avoided her stare once again.

"I'm sorry, Lis. I mean, ah, these passed years I'm not deciding on my own without asking Kai's consent so maybe it became my habit now." I honestly stated.

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