My Other Half - Final

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Jennie's POV


"Do it." Kai told me for the nth time and for the nth time as well I refused.

"How sure are you she'll fall for me huh? She's a Manoban, she's not just some idiot out there that can be fooled easily." I retort.

"And you're a Kim, at least prove that you are!" Kai exclaimed.

I was startled. This scene was not new to me, every time he asked for a talked we end up like this, arguing.

"Do it Jennie. At least for our parents legacy." He just mumbled the last words.

I heaved a sigh, I don't know how many times I should tell him that it's not Manoban's fault that our company closed. It's been years and until now he really hold a grudge to what our father told him when in fact he just encouraging him to do better.

Yup, we're siblings but only to my father side, he's illegitimate child, media don't know about Kai, no records and all, only my parents and I knew about it. Before my Dad died he asked Kai to promised to him that he'll regain our family's name and until now he worked his ass off in fulfilling that promise even by doing it in a wrong way.

"Why would it should be in my expense?" I questioned him.

"Cause I'm desperate already!" He frustratingly admit. "In no time the Manoban's will close the biggest deal of the century it means no one can ever beat them in business category. Do you understand how big is that Jennie? There's no way we can take down this dam* company unless being one of the owners of it. That's why I need you, you need to make her fall for you and afterwards you'll get every da*n penny in her bank account, we'll create our own empire and regain our father's legacy and name." He ambitiously added.

I scoffed.

"That's bullshit. You're witness how many gorgeous ladies flocking under Lisa's feet. By saying that models, artists and even the richest heiress of this country. What made you think she'll fall for an ordinary editor-in-chief huh?" I challenged him.

"You're under estimating your capability Jennie. You're far from ordinary, I saw how can you convinced someone by just smiling to them." He insisted.

I rolled my eyes.

"As if my smile will take an effect on her." I countered again.

He groaned.

"Why you are this stubborn?!" He said angrily.

"I'm just being realistic Kai." I calmly stated.

"Fine. Try it for three months, after that if she didn't pay even the littlest interest in you then you're free from this, I'll do whatever it takes to fulfill my promise to our Dad without bothering you." He stated.

I don't know if I'll be sad that Kai turned to this or be mad that he can't move on.

"You know how much I value our family's name, Kai. You know much I love that, it's just that I don't think this is a good idea in any way." I explained calmly.

"I know Jen, just this one please?" He begged for the first time and that's the time I gave in.

I nodded.

"Fine. I'll do it."

He pulled me for a hug.

"Thank you."

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