Let's Do It

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Jennie's POV

I checked my wrist watch and groaned.

"He really ditched me huh?" I said to myself, I'm talking about my date, Mino, we're dating for couple of months now and I can't believed that he had the guts to left me alone despite the fact that it's already late and I don't even know how to hail a cab. He drove us here so obviously we used his car. Argh!

I froze when someone cover my eyes from behind, I'm about to shout until I smell a familiar scent.

"Lisa?" I confirmed.

She chuckled and removed her hands that covering my eyes.

I turned around hastily to check and there I see my best friend Lisa grinning down at me. Relief engulfed me and I hug her immediately.

She hugged back without hesitations.

"You missed me that much, Nini?" I know she's just messing with me.

I pulled away but my hands still gripping the sides of her shirt, I pouted.

"What are you doing here?" I asked curiously. I'm happy that she's here but I'm also wondering how that happened.

"I'm following you." She said in all seriousness.

I'm about to ask why but she laugh.

"Manoban!" I exclaim annoyed. She really love teasing me. Well in all fairness she's the only person who can do that cause others are mostly intimidated by me.

She ruffled my hair.

"I told you Seulgi invited me to a bar, remember?" She reminded and I nodded.

"Oh." I simply answered. "Where are they, anyway?" I added.

"Inside. When I saw that you're leaving I followed you specially when your date stayed. I thought you're having a dinner with him?" She asks confused.

I rolled my eyes remembering.

"That's what I thought too but he brought me here instead, what a jerk." I'm beyond annoyed.

"Aww my poor Nini." Lisa console me, as she gave me a quick hug. "I'm just glad that we're in a same bar, aren't he aware that you don't know how to hail a cab?" She added questioningly.

I shook my head. "No one knows that except you." I shyly admitted.

I know she's just suppressing her smile so I rolled my eyes to her, again.

Afterwards she put her arm around my shoulder.

"Let's go home, I'll cook for you." She cockily stated.

"You don't know how to cook Lisa." I stated the obvious.

"You're no fun, I'm trying to be a hero here. Okay, fine, let's go home and I'll heat food for you? Or let's just take out food first? What do you want? Anything for my poor Nini." She said pinching my cheeks.

"Yah!" I exclaimed slapping her hands off of my face, she chuckled then kissed my cheeks after removing her hands.

"I want pizza." I said like a child.

"Pizza it is." She said smiling as she guide me to where her car is but then I remembered that her friends still inside the bar so I stopped walking. She looked at me with confused face.

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