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Lisa's POV



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"Shut it, Lisa."

I pouted trying to act cute.

"Is that how you treat your patients here, Dr. Kim?" I inquired.

"Nope. Just you, I think." She savagely answered as she checked my IV.

I ignored that and turned as I leaned my right elbow on my bed and cupped my face so I can see her clearly. She's sitting on the stool beside my hospital bed by the way.

"You're so gorgeous but there's something lacking about you." I said in all seriousness.

She just gave me a quick look with raised brow then continue writing something on her clipboard. I took that as a hint to continue.

"My surname." I said proudly grinning at her.

She poked my wound.

"Ahh-Ouch!" I exclaimed.

"I think you need to undergo to CT scan. You're being delusional." She answered patting my cheek.

"I hate you." I whined.

"The feeling is mutual." She answered then winked at me.

"Yah! That's illegal, Kim." I exclaimed.

She just chuckled before fixing my comforter.

"Stop being a stubborn patient, Ms. Manoban." She answered. "If you can't avoid, can you at least lessen being involved into troubles?" She continued. "This is your third time being admitted here just for this month." She added.

"Why? You worried that much?" I asked cockily. "Well, if you're not yet aware of,
my enemies suffered for more severed injury that mine." I continued.

Again for the nth time she rolled her eyes.

"I'm aware, Lisa." She answered. "I treated them too." She added.

I gasped.

"What?! You touched those filth?!" I exclaimed. "Did you wash your hands?" I asked and about to reach for alcohol on my side table but she stopped me.

"Don't be so dramatic, Lalisa. I'm a doctor and that's one of my treat and cure people." She explained.

"But..." She didn't let me finish.

"Take a rest. You just need lots of it and can be discharge tomorrow." She interrupted.

I nodded.

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