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Lisa's POV


My girlfriend called me. We're currently cuddling on my bed and about to sleep. Her face buried on my neck.

"Hmm?" I responded.

"Aren't you mad at me?" She cutely inquired that made me chuckle.

"Mad at you? Why?" I asked.

"Well, ahm, ah, for being like this? An annoying girlfriend." She answered.

I pulled away a little to look her in the eyes. She's pouting and I can't help it but to peck her lips.

"Why would I be annoyed to someone as cute as you, huh?" I asked her instead of answering her question. I even squished her chubby cheeks and she just whined.

"Yah! Don't do that!" She complained while trying to remove my hands that cupping her face but she can't, I'm way stronger. I kissed her cheeks non stop, afterwards.

"Why? These.are.mine." I answered between kisses.

I know it tickles her so not a second later she giggles. Argh! Best sound for me, well, maybe aside from her moan. LOL

"Stop it! Baby?! Yah!" She managed to say between her giggles.

I'm now laughing as well. She's so cute.

When I'm satisfied, I stopped.

She rolled her eyes to me and wipes her face, pretending to be gross out of my kisses. I know she's annoyed and will surely ignores me. She's like that when annoyed.

I smirked thinking a brilliant idea to avoid that to happen.

"I love you." I stated genuinely.


Okay, she's starting to ignores me. She's giving me a cold stare.

"I love you so much, Ruby Jane. You're mine. Can't I do that to my girlfriend? Can't I kiss you whenever I want to?" I'm pulling a reverse psychology card. I hope it works.

She heaved a sigh. It's working.

"Of course you can, Lisa."

Or no? She used my real name.

She pecked my lips before turning around.

That's it?

No I love you too?

I internally face palmed myself. I lost. Now, I need to woo her.

I scoot closer to hug her from behind. I sniff her hair, I really love Jennie's scent, it's addicting.

She stiffened, maybe she was startled with my action but relaxes eventually.

"You didn't say I love you back." I said, trying to win her by being cute.


Yup, she ignored me, again.

I heaved a sigh. I know if I pushed her more it may worsen.

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