Be Alright - Part 2

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Lisa's POV

Now I'm officially regretting my decision.

"Hey Lisa? This way." Jennie interrupted my internal thoughts as she guide me to "our" table.

"What do you want to eat?" She asked not lifting her gaze on the menu as she continue to browse it.

"I ah..." I also picked the menu in front of me and my eyes widen instantly seeing the prices. What the hell?! For a salad its already worth of my 1 week allowance and take note that's the only decent food I can afford on this list.

Maybe Jennie felt my hesitation.

"Its my treat by the way. So order all you want." She said cautiously.

I gulped out of embarrassment. Never in my life I've been embarrassed of my background until now, for almost 4 years of studying in one of the prestigious Universities in this country I never lied nor avoided question about where I came from, and that is I'm from a poor family. The only reason I'm here is because of my consistent good grades and I'm more of proud of that than me being embarrassed that I'm poor in a place full of rich privilege people. Only now I feel so small, feel so helpless and feel so powerless...this is one of the rare moments I wish I have the same status as them, if not at least I can afford things usual students can afford. My car is from my own hard work, I doubled my shifts so I can afford to buy even a second hand car. My Mom also added some from her savings. We've cried so much before buying that but that's on another story to tell.

"I ah, I'm good with salad." I said lowly not lifting my eyes off of the menu afraid to see Jennie's reaction.

"Whoa! I like you already, Lisa." Mino broke the silence by commenting. "You should've followed her taste on food babe." He even added.

This is the only moment I gathered enough courage to look at them.

Jennie looking at me intently as if reading my mind while Mino continue playing with his phone.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked worriedly.

She shook her head but her action that disappointment?

She called the waitress.

"Good Evening, Ms." The waitress greeted us politely. "Ready for your order?" She added.

Jennie just nodded to acknowledge.

"2 Zucchini Panzanella Salad, 1 Chicken Fettucine Alfredo and a bottle of white wine." Jennie told the waitress.

The waitress nodded and about to repeat Jennie's order when Mino speak again.

"Make it 3 salads, cancel the pasta." He said authoritatively.

All the three of us including the waitress look at Mino.

He raised his brow.


"She's allergic with Zucchini. / You know that I'm allergic with Zucchini, right?" Jennie and I said at the same time.

Jennie immediately looks at me and I avoided her eyes. Shit! She'll think now that I'm a creep.

"You know?" She inquired in disbelief.

"I ah..." I stuttered.

"You're allergic with what, babe?"

Thank God, Mino interrupted us.

Jennie took a deep breathe before lifting her gaze back to the waitress that's watching us with amazement.

"Please take MY order, Ms." Jennie assured the waitress.

When the waitress excused herself I thought Jennie will let the topic pass but she gave me a look first as if threatening me that any moment now she'll ask again about how the fuck I know about "her" allergy.

"Babe?" Mino called her again.

I saw how Jennie clenched her jaw as if controlling herself. I mean IF I'm the girlfriend I'll be pissed too.

"Yes Mino I'm allergic with that." She said calmly now.

"Oh! My bad." Mino said half heartedly. "Sorry about that babe." He added giving Jennie's temple a quick kissed.

When our orders arrived we ate in silence and I swear this is the longest dinner I've ever had in my life even if in reality its just almost an hour.

Mino's about to pay for our meals but Jennie said she'll pay for it instead since its her treat for me. Gladly, Mino didn't complain.

Outside Restaurant

"Thank you for the dinner." I said to the both of them.

Jennie smiled at me, her gummy smile returned.

"I'm the one who should've been thanking you, Lisa." She answered.

"Well, we're now even, I guess." I said jokingly but instead of laughing she's just looking at me intently making me break the eye contact cause I'm afraid she'll able to read what I'm thinking.

"Babe, can you get an uber? The boys inviting me for a drink." Mino informed Jennie.

Even looking hesitant, Jennie nodded.

"Great. I'll go now. Text me when you're home." Mino said after kissing Jennie's cheek. "Nice to meet you, Lisa. Thanks again for helping my girl." He diverted his attention to me and patted my shoulder. I just nodded as an acknowledgement.

"So? This is me." Jennie said as if telling me she'll now go.

"Do you want to watch the last full show of Frozen?" (A/N: Can't think of any movie title.)


"Woah! Babe? Let's watch frozen later please? I guess we can still make it to their last full show?" Jennie excitedly asked Mino after seeing the cinema schedule. We're on our way to the restaurant where we will eat our dinner. Yup, its inside the mall.

Mino looks hesitant but agreed eventually.

"Sure, babe." He answered.

"Yey! Thank you." Jennie exclaimed. She even kissed Mino's cheek.


"What?" Jennie confirmed.

"I ah, overheard you and Mino's conversation earlier. I mean, I'm sorry, ah...never mind." I answered nervously.

She smiled.

"You'll accompany me?" She asked again.

I nodded shyly.

"You're really my savior, aren't you Lisa?" She said in all seriousness making me smile.

My heart flutters.

"Don't be silly." I joked to break the tension while shaking my head in disbelief. I walked pass her going to where the cinema booth to buy our tickets. At least this, I can afford. I told myself.

"What? I'm serious." She said following me. Despite not seeing her face, I know she's now smiling.

Maybe, I'm now starting to like my decision.


Apologies for errors.

Thank you so much for all the kind words! Love y'all! Thank you for waiting. 🤍

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