Atleast She's Happy - Final

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Jennie's POV

"At least she's happy, right? That's all what I want even not with me."

I more of tell that to myself than to Unnie. I thought I'm already prepared when this moment comes. I mean seeing Lisa, the love of my life, the person I thought I'll be spending my forever, to be with someone else but seeing her with someone in person is a lot more different story. I nearly burst out. I'm just glad that Jisoo Unnie got my back, she is always there to assure me that everything will soon to be okay. You know that feeling? When even though there are no words were being said the reality of having someone or people who you know truly cares helped even a little.

Lisa and I were almost perfect.

"Almost" cause look at where we are right now? This is not the example of perfect.

You're asking what happened to almost?

Until now I'm also asking myself that question.

We're about to marry each other that's how in loved we were but I guess no matter how you plan or foresee the future there are outside factors that will try to challenge and ruin you even how much you tried to fight.


Still Jennie's POV

"Children? What do you mean?" My Poopoo inquired.

"I want to have children." I repeated innocently thinking she just don't heard me say it the first time.

"Do we really need to? I mean we're good already right?" She questioned and that made me raise my brow.

"Poopoo, I know, but I want to be a mother too." I explained. "Besides, I know you'll be a great mother as well. We will raise our kid or kids with so much love." I even added.

She scoffed.

"You know I'm not capable of that, Nini." She reasoned. "I don't know the feeling of being part of a family what more having one?" She continued and that made my heart ache.

Yes, my Poopoo was raise in an orphanage. No one knows who are her real parents. Until now we're clueless. She never attempt to find them either. That's the reason why she grew up being afraid of commitment and attachment cause she's exposed to the realization of no one wants her.

I'm just glad that little by little with me, she started to lower her guard. This marriage is a big leap for her cause when we started dating she already told me the possibility of her ruining everything even she don't want to cause she thought she was born to that. She was born to messed up everything.

I cupped her face, this helps a lot when her mind already running miles thinking of every possibility that might happen. As usual she's avoiding my eyes.

"Love, look at me. Please?" I plead and gladly she oblige.

I see how broken she is by just looking at her.

"If you really don't want to, I won't force you okay?" I assured her. "You're right, I'm already complete as long as you're here with me." I added. "...but I don't want you to close your doors about every opportunity to be happy." I continued.

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