Walked Through Hell

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Please watch this first.

Lisa's POV

"Yah! Jennie Kim!" I exclaimed seeing Jennie here at our rooftop after searching her all over our house.

She just chuckled.

"You're awake." She mumbled afterwards.

"Yeah and I immediately panicked not seeing you beside me." I complained.

She pouted.

"Lalisa, we been together for how long? You should've known by now that if I'm not beside you I'm either here at our rooftop or I'm..."

"...at our home library, I know."

I finished her sentence.

"Exactly. Now come here and hug me, it's freezing." She instructed and I immediately oblige back hugging her as we waited for sun to comes out.

We sighed in content.

"You really love the sun, baby. You love watching sunrise and sunset." I mumbled after kissing her hair.

She hummed as an agreement.

"...but I love you more, my ball of sunshine." She said afterwards tilting her head to look at me.

"I love you too." I responded.

I love how simple my life. I'm contented and happy cause I already found the person who completes my life.


Still Lisa's POV

"Love? Baby? Please?" Jennie plead.

"Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, we just went hiking last month and now you want to go for another hike? Really?" I confirmed, not that I don't want to, I'm just curious what's with these non stop adventures and new things she want to experience and try all of a sudden.

She pouted. (Yup, way to convince me, though she don't even need to try. She already convinced me by that cute look she's giving me every time she want something.)

"Because the reviews were all good, I want us to watch sunset there, baby." She answered giving me her puppy dog eyes. "Please? My Poopoo?" She even added.

I heaved a defeated sigh then squished her cheeks.

"You and your obsessions with sun, Kim." I answered. "Should I be threatened?" I joked but it seems that she stiffened.

I creased my brows and about to ask about her reaction but she already recovered and pecked my lips.

"Don't be silly. You know I love you more than anything or anyone, Manoban." She responded.

So me being whipped, I let go of the questions I still have in mind and just focus on her kisses instead.

"You need to do more than a kiss to convince me, Ms. Kim." I teased.

She chuckled and wrapped her arms around my nape.

"Oh yeah?" She confirmed and I nodded eagerly.

She shook her head playfully before leaning in to kiss me more.

God. I love this woman so much.


Hike Day

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