Date Me - Final

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"Hi Babe." I gave Lisa my gummy smile.

She pouted.

"What?" I inquired suppressing a smile, she's so cute.

"That's unfair. Your job is to flirt FOR me not to flirt WITH me." She emphasized.

I dramatically gasped.

"That's what I'm doing. Am I not?" I inquired innocently.


"Well what hot stuff?" I interrupted her.

"You're doing it the wrong way Jennie Kim." She said seriously and that made me stop from smiling.

She is right. Its been a month and well...I'm not really doing my job. I'm doing the opposite actually. How? Every time I found a prospect I turned it down, telling Lisa alibis not to choose that person.

Well yeah she has an access to the "supposedly application" so she can check my conversation with the "possible" people she can date but every time she suggests or paid attention to a certain person's profile it's either I looked for a flaw from that person or the other way around. Lisa is not idiot, I know she's already noticing it but I didn't mind it cause I thought she's okay with it too, until now. She directly told me that I'm not doing my job. How can I? I can't bear seeing her having a date with someone other than me. Sorry, finders keeper.

I heaved a defeated sigh. I thought somewhat we're sharing the same feeling here, but no, maybe I'm the only one who can feel something.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled looking at her floor.

We're at her condo. That span of one month? Lisa and I became close. I convinced her that while I'm doing my job of looking a great partner for her we should also improve her communication / social skills, I told her she needs that cause what she will do if in case we found a certain someone but she ends up tongue tied cause of her shyness, its surely a disaster, so she had no choice but to agree.

But yes, if you guess that I'm just doing that for my own benefit of being with her, you are absolutely right.

She chuckled and that made me look at her again.

She poked the tip of my nose.

"I'm just kidding Jen."

"You're mean." I complained.

"Says the girl who's blocking my possible future." She countered chuckling.

"I told you I AM YOUR FUTURE, didn't I?" I teased wiggling my brows.

Lisa just shook her head and ruffled my hair.

"Talk to your boss that she will not sue me then we'll talk..."

Again I interrupted her.

"Consider done, baby. What else?"

She laugh and that made me laugh too.

"Eager much to date me, I see." She teased.

"You have no fucking idea, Lalisa." I said seriously.

"Well, I want to date you either so..."

"What did you say?"

She creased her brows.

"Huh?" She asks confused.

"You want to date me? Like for real?" I confirmed.

"Who wouldn't? I mean look at you Kim?..." Then Lisa stop. She look hurt? What did I do?

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