I found a LOVE - Final

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Month Later

Lisa's POV

"Yah! Manoban! Stop sulking and help us here, will you?!" Seulgi shouted at me for the nth time.

I heaved an exasperated sigh before walking near them.

She glared at me.

I pouted.

"I miss her Seulgs." I stated for the nth time as well.

"Then call her? Visit her? Argh! I'm on my limit of smacking your stubborn head. I swear!" Seulgi exclaimed and again I just pouted.

"But I said I need to move on." I countered.

"Moving on from what? You two never been a thing?" She harshly stated.

"You're not helping." I responded.

"Well, you're NOT helping us either.  We need to finish this Lalisa, the event is tomorrow and we're not even half done." She emphasized and that made me look around, she's right, I need to set aside my feelings first and help them. If it's not yet clear, the annual school's fun fair will be tomorrow and our department decided to host a Horror House, since Halloween is also near.

"Fine, I'll help," I defeatedly stated.

"...and hey?"

Seulgi called me again afterwards.

"Hmm?" I just hummed focusing on what I'm currently doing.

"How sure are you that you're the only one having a hard time, you never see Jennie since that day." Seulgi cryptically stated that made me think.


Jennie's POV

I sighed for the nth time.

"I miss her." I mumbled to myself.

"Then go talk to her, Jen."

I was startled when I heard that, too late to realized that I said that out loud.

I pretended that I didn't heard her.

"Talk to her Jen." Irene Unnie said once again and this time I turn to face her.

"I can't Unnie, she said she needs to move on." I managed to say.

"But do you really want her to move on?" She challenged.

And that made me think. Do I really want to? Especially now?

"Think about it, Jen. I mean I don't want to force you or insist you to do things you're afraid to do, but sometimes life is about taking a risk. Sometimes in order to be happy you need to be brave first or perhaps maybe we just overthink things, things that should be so simple in the first place" Unnie stated meaningfully before excusing herself.


School's Event

[Still Jennie's POV]

[Still Jennie's POV]

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