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Jennie's POV

"Breakfast is ready!" I exclaimed the moment I spotted Lisa walking out of her room...or more of her guest room. I feel sad remembering that instead of sleeping in her own room she chose to sleep there instead just to avoid me.

I told her I can sleep in guest room but what she answered made me more sad.


[still Jennie's POV]

"Where are you going Lisa?" I asked curiously when I noticed she's carrying some of her favorite pillows with her.

"Guest Room." She said flatly.

I'm now all good, after 3 days of her constant checking and caring I think I'm fully recovered. After day 2, she already refused to sleep at my side.


She interrupted me.

"You can stay here until weekend Jennie, I told Unnie that you already good." She informed that made me froze. "You already know this, I won't let you stay here." She added before continue walking out her room.

The moment she left tears pour from my eyes.

I can't blame her maybe I really hurt her big time.

But being the stubborn that I am I refused to leave even Unnie gave up in convincing me.

In the end Lisa just let me but it's as if we're not living under the same roof cause she's rarely at home...she always find ways to go home late or not to go home at all.


I was interrupted with my own trait of thoughts when I heard the front door opening.

"Hey Lisa?" I called her but she ignored me.

I hastily grabbed the pack lunch I prepare and chaste her. Gladly she still waiting for the elevator.

"Lili..." I called gently. I don't want to trigger her.

Again she ignored. I heaved a sigh.

"Lis..." I called once again thankfully this time she paid a quick look but her eyes are so cold different to the one I fell in love with. I took that as a hint that I can continue to speak. "Y-You didn't eat." I continued saying the obvious.

"I'll eat at my workplace." She simply answered.

"Oh." I responded. I extended my hands with her pack lunch and she just raised her brow as if asking what now. "A-Ah I prepared your lunch." I shyly answered.

The elevator opens and she walks in, I don't have a choice but to follow since she's not taking yet her pack lunch yet. We're silent until we heard an old couple whispering to each other but enough for us to hear.

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