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Jennie's POV

"Lili, who is that?"

"You tell me, Jennie."

She didn't wait for my response and hand me my phone. Despite the confusion I'm feeling right now I accepted it and in my trembling voice I greeted.



"Who are you?"


"I-I don't understand..." I hold my head, all of a sudden my head ache terribly. "I..."

"Jennie!" That's the last thing I heard after that every thing turns to black.


Lisa's POV

I rushed Jennie to the nearest hospital, despite the anger that I'm feeling I can't deny how worried I am the moment she passed out, good thing I caught her on time.


I was brought back to reality when I heard Unnie's concerned voice. She's about to rush inside Jennie's room but I'm able to stopped her. Doctor still checking on her.

"Hey! Hey! Unnie, calm down. Doctor's already checking on her." I informed.

I froze seeing Unnie's face. She's crying hard.

It made me nervous all of a sudden.


I'm not able to finished what I'm about to say cause she slapped me hard.

"You promised you'll take care of her, Lisa!" She burst out. This is the first time I see Unnie in this state. I hold my lips, it's bleeding.

"Kim Jisoo!" Someone shouted from her behind, no need for me to check. It's the man from the phone call.

I gritted my teeth as I clenched my fist.

"I'll go now." I informed Unnie but the man hold my wrist.

"Stay, Lisa." The man said gently. "Jennie needs you." She added.

I'm not able to respond when Jennie's room open. The doctor approaching us.

"Who's the patient's guardian?" He asked.

"Me. I'm her cousin." Unnie informed and the doctor just nodded.

"Well...based on her medical history she just underwent surgery, right?" The doctor confirmed and Unnie just nodded. "One of the things she needs to avoid is stress..."

Before the doctor continue the man beside us extended his hand.

"I already informed her about that, I'm her doctor by the way and her cousin as well, Kim Jongin."

I stiffened. Cousin? Her Doctor?

"Oh! Nice to meet you Dr. Kim." He accepted the man's hand for a handshake. "...why is that you allowed her to suffer from too much stress if that's the case? Her surgery was a success and good thing no trace of tumor but the constant stress might lengthen her memory loss." The other doctor questioned.

"T-Tumor?" I asked in confusion. My voice already cracked.

"Lisa..." Unnie hold my arm.

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