Cheating On You (Traitor Part 2)

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Lisa's POV

I removed my eyes off of Jennie when I see her struggling to get her luggage on the top compartment of the bus.

It's no longer your job Lisa. I reminded myself.

"Jen? You need help?"

I heard Kai.

I gritted my teeth then immediately get Jennie's luggage without saying anything.

Kai looks at me with disbelief but I ignored him.

"Let's go." I mumbled to Jennie. Good thing she just let me.

We're staying in the same room since this immersion was plan months ago, time when we're still together.

"Thanks." She said after I put down her luggage and I just nod.


I woke up because of my alarm. It's still 5am but we need to be at the conference hall exactly 6am and knowing Jennie, she's not a morning person.

I looked at my side and I'm correct, despite my non stopped alarm combined with her own alarm, she just covered her face with her pillow.

I sighed and gently walked near her bed.

"Jen? Wake up." I called out but she just hummed.

"Jennie? You'll be late if you continue to sleep, come on." This time I hold her shoulder to wake her up.

"Five more minutes, Love." She mumbled and that made me froze on my position.

...and maybe that also brought her back to reality cause she immediately stood up and directed to bathroom without saying anything.

I heaved a sigh.

This will be a long day.

When I finished preparing, no Jennie can be seen. Of course, she left.

"You think I do have a chance with Jennie?" I heard someone whispered.

"Why? Is she single?" Someone asked in disbelief.

"I think so. There's a rumor that she and Lisa broke up. See? They're not even together." Other pointed out.

I tightly closed my eyes to control myself not to butt in.

"Well, if you think you're much good looking to Lisa, give it a try." The one joked and they laugh.

"That's so mean, I need a support here, you know?" Their friend complained.

"Man, we also like Jennie. I mean look at her? Who wouldn't like that kind of girl. But she's out of our league, I'm sorry but we need to accept that fact so regardless if she's single or not there's no difference." Other countered sadly.

Everyone hummed in agreement.

"Well at least we're not a cheater."

His friends gasped in surprise.

"You mean Lisa cheated on her? Seriously? I mean Lisa Manoban?"

I decided to left before I burst out and shout at their faces that I can clearly hear them. I can't take it anymore.

I was brought back to reality when someone nudged me.

"You okay, Lisayah?" Jisoo Unnie inquired.

I gave her a small smile and a nod.

"Don't worry about Chaeng, she's doing good." She added assuming I'm thinking about Chaeng.


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