Cuddles and Kisses

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Lisa's POV

"Take it or leave it, Manoban."

I pouted.


"No buts." She interrupted after winking at me then left me there, conflicted.

" She interrupted after winking at me then left me there, conflicted

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I heaved a sigh, should I accept it? I mean I easily catch feelings.



[still Lisa's POV]


I was startled when I heard a familiar voice.

"Err Jen?" I innocently acknowledged her, though deep inside I'm kinda nervous and I don't even know why.

"Let's go." She answered.

Shit, I nearly forgot. I look at Rosé apologetically. She gave me a small smile and a nod as if telling me to go ahead.

I scratched my nape.

"I'll follow Jen. I already told Rosé here that I'll help her with her presentation."

Jennie raised her brow at me then looked at Rosé coldly. I gulped.

I thought she'll say something rude but she just nod at me and left without saying anything, I sighed in both relief and disappointment. Relieved that she didn't somewhat bully Rosé just like she usually do to other girls she saw me with and disappointed cause deep inside me I assumed that those kind of reactions from her before was because she was jealous, but seeing her reaction this time made me realized that yup, for the nth time I just assumed that there could be "us".

I was brought back to reality when Rosé nudged me.

I gave her a small smile and about to guide her to my car but she stopped me.

I raised my brow in confusion.

"Follow her." She instructed that doubled my confusion.

"She seem sad when you turned her down." Rosé added.

I chuckled flatly.

"Nah." I countered.

"But you like her, right?" Rosé inquired that made me froze. Am I that obvious?

She giggled.

"It's okay Lisa. I mean that's Jennie Kim. Everyone has a crush on her." She continued.

"What? You mean..." she interrupted me.

"Relax, I find her gorgeous and hot but not my type, I more of attracted to someone who loves chicken." She winked at me.

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