The One

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I love you.

I stiffened.

This is the 1st time Jennie said that verbally. Not that I mind but sometimes hearing those words make a lot more difference.

I pulled away to look at her face, despite the dim light coming from our lampshade, I can tell that she's blushing. We just had sex and yes our naked bodies still pressed against each other.

We're looking intently at each other until she broke her silence.

"What?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

Knowing her, it's just her defense mechanism to hide her emotion. She's not the kind of person who wears her heart on her sleeve. She's hard to read or more of she's guarded so hearing those three little words is really a big thing not just for me but for her as well. I know it's more big deal than her.

"Am I that good in bed?" I joked to lighten the mood.

She just rolled her eyes and about to get up but I stopped her by pulling her by the waist.

I pecked her lips.

"I love you too, grumpy." I responded to her "I love you" earlier.

She froze, then buries her head in the crook of my neck.

"Yah! Are you crying?" I asked caused I felt something wet on my bare shoulders. She hastily shook her head but I know she's lying.

I cupped her face to check and she's indeed crying. She even sniffed confirming my theory.

"You're so adorable, baby." I commended giving her a soft smile.

She playfully smacked my right shoulder.

"...and you're a tease." She said pouting. I was tempted to kiss her so I did.

She was shock at first but responded immediately, clinging her arms around my nape pulling me impossibly closer.

I felt that she smiled between our hot kiss. I know if I don't stop we will end up making love for the 4th time this night and as much as I want that I know we're already both exhausted.

I pulled away and she groaned.

I chuckled and pecked her lips one more before hugging her tightly.

"Let's sleep, angel." I mumbled after kissing her temple.

She bit my shoulder. It's not painful, if it some effect it's quite the opposite, cause it's turning me on and Jennie knows how my body works. She's tempting me. BIG TIME.

I gulped.

She now sucking the skin she just bit and I'm holding my breath to stop myself from moaning.

I cupped her face again and she's smirking.

See? That's what I'm talking about.

"I just called you angel but you're acting like a little devil by tempting me, Ruby Jane." I said in my husked tone.

She gasped innocently. Such an actress.

She put her hands on my shoulders then brought it to my face, cupping it also. We're still on bed facing each other, naked.

"Well...nothing stopping you for being naughty though?" She seductively said and that's it. Another round is not really a bad thing and I'm about to lean to capture her lips but she tilt her head.

I creased my brows in confusion.

"On the contrary, I'm indeed tired. Yup, goodnight, baby." She pecked my lips then turned around. I'm not recovered yet of what's happening until she pulled my hands and wrapped it to her waist. "Spoon me." She mumbled cutely.

I swear this girl will be the death of me.

I heaved a sigh before giving in.

This is the kind of moment that I'm glad I'm a girl cause if I'm a man I don't know if I can lasts with this kind of teasing. Though in general and in all aspects, I'm glad of what I am. Specially of who I am with.

I kissed her bare shoulder before pulling her closely. I even fixed the duvet to cover our naked bodies.

I'm drifting to sleep when she suddenly speak again.

"I'm sorry if it took me so long to say those words, Lisayah..."

Maybe she thought I'm already asleep.

"...I know it's not a big deal for you, you're such an understanding person and God knows how thankful I am that I met you..."

My heart beats fast. I rarely hear Jennie being this sappy. I know how loving and caring she is but she's more showy. I mean she's more of actions than words.

"...I really thought that you're just the same as the other people that been part of my life. Just good in the beginnings but eventually will leave me when everything gets rough. I'm not into commitment, but with you I will risk everything."

She chuckled.

"You know what's funny? That I put reasoned in everything you did. Like when you create me a coffee every morning, I'll say to myself, cause you're just considerate. When you remembered my schedule, I reasoned out that you just have photographic memory. When I see to your eyes how you care about Kuma, I reasoned out that you just love animals. Everything good you did to me, I put reason so I'll stop myself from believing in the possibility that maybe just maybe I already found the one."

She sniffed. She's crying, she's caressing my arm that hugging her waist.

I felt that she wiped her tears before moving to face me. I closed my eyes.

"I love you, Lis. Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for not demanding for my response. Thank you that despite not getting the response you deserve you still say that you love me whenever you feel like to."

I felt that she kissed the side of my lips.

"...and thank you for pretending that you're asleep so I can pour my heart our."

She squished my cheeks.

I slowly opened my eyes only to be welcome by this angel's beauty.


We both chuckled.

"I love you, Angel." I mumbled afterwards. She rolled her eyes.

"I love you too so much, Lisapoo."

I pulled her for another tight hug. We're just enjoying each others warmth.

"...and no." I said.

"Hmm?" She inquired.

"You're not the only one found the one. We found each other's THE ONE."


Apologies for errors. 🤧

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