Worth The Risk

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Are you one of those who believes that age is just a number and that the heart wants what the heart wants?

Jennie's POV

I sighed for the nth time. I don't know why I'm here actually, if not with my parents I will not auditioned to this crappy show.

I heard some of the "chosen" contestants murmuring about our supposedly coach.

"They said coach Hwasa will be replaced by a new one." The girl with chipmunk cheeks informed.

"Huh? Why? I should've chose coach Jackson if I knew this will happen." The girl with bunny teeth complained.

"I don't know if it's true but it's because of prior commitments they said." Chipmunk cheeks answered.

We're all interrupted on our train of thoughts when someone clapped to get our attention.

"Sorry for making you wait girls, I'm not sure if you heard it already but we need to change your coach Hwasa. There's a conflict with her schedule. Please meet your new coach here, Lalisa Manoban, maybe you know her already, she's a well known singer, dancer not to mentioned a global endorser of famous brands.

 Please meet your new coach here, Lalisa Manoban, maybe you know her already, she's a well known singer, dancer not to mentioned a global endorser of famous brands

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Gasps can be heard all over the room. Well who woudn't be amaze? That's THE Lalisa Manoban. I wonder how much this show offered to her just to accept this job.

If you're still confused about the "show" thing, well we're literally in a competition. It's like "The Voice" but with the twist since we will also showcase our other talents, if there's any of course. There's three versions of it, kids, teens, and well the "adults", whatever that is. I'm part of teens, I'm just 17 years old by the way, though sometimes I can't consider myself as teen cause I don't have much friends with same age as mine and I rarely talk to them as well, not that I don't want to it's just that I find their topics boring, maybe boys, make ups and new trend clothes are not for me. After my performance people tagged me as an ice princess, a person with no emotion, well for me what's the purpose of smiling if you can already communicate using your voice. I maybe do not show emotions but I know I can make my audience feel things using my voice.

I was back to reality when coach Lisa talk. I'm not fond of celebrities but her beauty caught me off guard, before I thought that news about how stunning she is, is just exaggerated but seeing her personally I can say that she deserve the recognition she's getting.

"Hi girls, nice to meet you personally. I've talked to coach Hwasa before meeting you because I want to know why she chose each and everyone of you as her protégés. I also watched your audition videos and I must say as early as now that I have the best set of contestants." Coach Lisa stated proudly.

The other two girls squealed because of that statement while me I retained my blank expression. I'm already aware of what she said. I'm exceptional, I admit even these two girls beside me are really something.

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