178. Raph X Male!Reader

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Requested by ShauTaro343

Near the park close to sunset...

(Y/N) and Raph sat by a bench as Raph lightly tossed birdfeed at the ground. Prompting pigeons and a few other birds going after the free food.

"How are you holding up?" 

"Now that, the self proclaimed champion's the new leader." (Y/N) asked as Raph chuckled.

"I have more free time than usual so,"

"It just depends on what I'm feeling for the day." Raph said.

"With today being birdwatching." (Y/N) said as Raph hummed.

"Its sort of nice compared to the usual stuff I'm used to." Raph said.

"I remember the guys briefly talking about it."

"But, knowing their crazy imagination."

"I rather hear how you got into that new hobby." (Y/N) said as Raph felt a bit of blush on his face.

"I saw a nest inside an abandoned building."

"It nearly fell out of the ground due to the recent demolition that happened three weeks ago."

"And I just caught it in time."

"I still remember the mama bird showing no mercy while I was trying to find a better place for her nest." Raph said.

"Probably giving a death glare even after she settled down." (Y/N) said as Raph sighed.

"Yep and the last time when I went to check on them."

"They all took off finally learning how to fly."

"I should've recorded it because a few of them almost flew out like a rocket. " Raph said as (Y/N) smiled.

"I could imagine one of the birds perching on your shoulder."

"Just being curious how this snapping turtle got so big." (Y/N) teased as the blush surfaced Raph's cheeks into a deeper shade of pink.

"H-hey! I rather not get pecked again by mama bird!"

"Or risk hurting her tiny birds." Raph said as (Y/N) stared back in his direction with soft eyes.

"Raph, you're the definition of a gentle giant."

"Especially since you already mentioned, carrying the nest to some where safer."

"Being careful is definitely one of your strong points." (Y/N) said as Raph lightly scratched his cheek still not used to his crush's compliments.

"Uh, is it okay if I ask you a question?" Raph asked as (Y/N) replied with a 'sure' causing the turtle to gulp.

"Let's say, if I end up meeting another guy who's the same age as me."

"And we eventually become best buddies."

"But, the thought of having a crush on that same guy."

Raph focused his attention on his hands as he continued to speak.

"Most friendships can break up over little stuff like that..."

"I'm not sure if I can handle the awkward tension or,"

"The guy ends up saying some nasty things if I ever asked him out..."

"What would you do if you were in that situation?" Raph said as (Y/N) tried to think of a solution.

"I would pay close attention to the guy's reactions."

"Even before you try to ask him out."

"If the guy finds it funny, making a joke at other couples who are open about their new identity or sexuality,"

"That's more of a red flag for me."

"There's other ways but, I do not trust people who just brush it off."

"Switching to the next topic as if it doesn't matter."

"I swear people who can easily hide their hate in silence are the worst..." (Y/N) said slightly easing Raph causing the snapping turtle to loosen his shoulders.

"That's honestly a good idea (Y/N)."

"I wish there were more people like you." Raph said as (Y/N) gave a gentle smile.

"To be honest, I'm willing to support my partner or significant other."

"Starting by accepting what he, she, or, they go by."

"Just having that bit of comfort helps ease the relationship to show,"

"Things will get better, being around the right kind of people..." (Y/N) said as Raph felt his heart flutter.

"Sorry for another what if scenario but,"

"If you had to choose dating one of my brothers."

"Who would be your first pick?" Raph asked then a bit surprised seeing him cover a hearty laugh.

"Why? You're not on the list?" (Y/N) asked astonishing Raph in a flustered manner.

"W-Why me though?!" Raph said nearly shouting the words out loud as (Y/N) slyly grinned.

"I feel more comfortable around you..."

"When you were pacing around, trying to think of something to cheer me up..."

"To this day, I always think about it..."

"I wasn't able to say thank you as I stopped crying during that moment so..."

"Thanks for that Raphael..." (Y/N) said looking back at Raph now returning the same blushing face.

"I should also be thanking you for lightening the mood."

"I wasn't sure how to ask you with this whole crush situation."

"But, I'm feeling better, now that we talked about it..." Raph said. 

"Wanna meet up at the park again, like around next week?"

"I heard there's a spot by the fountain for a good picnic." (Y/N) asked as Raph continued to blush.

"I m-mean sure but, I might faint if you keep up with the smooth talking." Raph said as (Y/N) sat closer to him.

"Fine but, you deserve a compliment every once in a while..." (Y/N) said leaning his head near Raph's arm.

The two tiny imaginary Raphs were experiencing a whole bunch of emotions and eventually settled on an excited feeling. As the new couple threw more birdfeed until the bag was empty. 


Edited June 29, 2021

I apologize for not uploading during the past two weeks (some stuff happened nothing too serious but I didn't realized how tired I was near the end of the week; moving stuff around just to replace carpets for wood flooring)

I had to rewrite this for a second time but its definitely better compared to the first draft

Anyway leave comments or criticisms

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