53. Leo X Female!SeaTurtleMutant!Reader

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Requested by chu1luc

Near a beach boardwalk close to the start of evening...

Leo quickly saw a figure ran past him wearing a (f/c) sunhat. He then noticed two people in suits in the distance as he begins to ready his sword. He creates a portal and steps away when the tuxedo duo collide into it sending them to another location into a pile of leaves.

"Have a nice fall!" Leo said confidently as (Y/N) peeks behind from a boardwalk bench.

Leo felt a pair of eyes staring at him as he turns around spotting the teen. He walks over as (Y/N) hides her face with the hat. He stops when he recognizes that her hands are similar to the same turtle hands he has.

"I took care of those suit guys."

"Turtles stick together, am I right?" Leo said as she removed her hat revealing her face.

"Thanks um-"

"Leo. Leo's the name!" Leo said as he winked at (Y/N).

Before (Y/N) could reply with her name, three other turtles reached to Leo's location and saw her.

After a few minutes, (Y/N) briefly mentioned she and a few people attempted to save a couple of baby sea turtles from poachers and other sellers during the past two months. She ended up getting stung by an oozesquito in the process which caused her to live on her own moving to different locations. She kept contact with her parents calling them on her phone but hasn't told them about her new situation.

Mikey hugs (Y/N) as he starts crying feeling bad for her as Donnie inspects her appearance.

"I presume you are a (favorite sea turtle)."

"Considering the last minute thinking you did saving some of this endangered species' eggs."

"Along with your new appearance caused by the oozesquito transformation." Donnie said as Raph frowned now speaking up.

"(Y/N), you're welcome to stay with us until you feel comfortable speaking with your parents." 

"And things don't work out with them,-"

"Raph! It's been a long day for (Y/N)!"

"Chill out on the overthinking, that's Donnie thing." Leo said glaring at him while Donnie sends one of his own at Leo's remark.

An idea pops into Mikey's mind as he gasps.

"We should start on a bandana for (Y/N)!"

"By the way, what's your favorite color, (Y/N)?" Mikey asked.


(Y/N) is dragged by Mikey with him overjoyed making a new friend for the night entering inside the turtle tank.

One week later...

Mikey finishes tying the (f/c) bandana on (Y/N) while chatting with her. Leo enters the room as Mikey holds a handheld mirror with the ribbon tie reflected on it.

"The bow really suits you, (Y/N)." Leo said as (Y/N) looks away for a few seconds.

"M-Mikey was the one who thought of the idea!"

"With the whole color coordinated look..." (Y/N) said.


"Mikey, you don't mind I talk to (Y/N)?"

"Just the two of us." Leo said as Mikey nods with a smile now exiting the room.

(Y/N) still didn't look at Leo as he begins to speak and he took note of that.

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