93. Raph X Short!Reader

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Requested by PancakesYum2

Around 11:30 am...

They accidentally overslept for about 30 minutes as Raph woke them up. Remembering an event (Y/N) wanted to show him, as they bolt out of bed grabbing a set of clothes, rushing to the bathroom to change.

As the door slammed, Raph chuckles waiting by the door.

Time Skip to the turtle tank on the way to the mall...

Sunita sighed seeing the other three turtles and their father following a plan to get the best deals. She's planning to help her bestie while wearing a temporary work uniform as the two battle stubborn customers and other obstacles.

Inside the mall, the groups separated but Sunita wished good luck at (Y/N) and Raph as the couple held hands.

Before the couple could head to the location, they overheard a conversation between two people.

"Can't believe I woke up this early, just for the event to be delayed until 6 pm..."

"Hey man, at least you made it through this hectic year. Let's go eat, my treat since you drove us here before traffic arrived!"

The adults laugh going to the food court as Raph felt (Y/N)'s head near his forearm.

"Wishing for another hour of sleep (Y/N)?" Raph asked as (Y/N) replies back.

"That and normally I'm fine with my height but,"

"Last week was worst for me when my height was part of a-"

Raph pulls (Y/N) into his winter jacket in a comforting hug.

"What did we say about negative talk out of the lair, including your apartment..." Raph said as (Y/N) half smiles.

"Ask for before venting..." (Y/N) said as they hide their face in close to blushing.

"Right, and it's even worse since you didn't eat on the way here." Raph said as (Y/N) held his hand once more now entering a cafe.

In the Hidden City mall...

Mikey was the only one not participating in the clash for better deals. His brothers fought off a rhythm idol, as the turtles struggled with a red screen close to a game over. Splinter battled an owl mutant in a trivia game involving Lou Jitsu. The bird cried of a low score as the rat smirks throughout the whole game.

April and Sunita see Mikey after tackling an otter mutant with a pocket size shell pouring out stolen goods. The girls nod as Sunita takes the thief to security while April goes over to talk to sad turtle.

"Does it have to do with (Y/N)?" April guessed as he sighs.

"Before I dropped off a homemade meal at their apartment,"

"One of their relatives' friends made fun of their height..."

"I scared off those meanies with my usual Dr. Delicate Touch!"

"And I fear the same thing might happen at the event the couple is going to."

"Because before (Y/N) started dating Raph,"

"(Y/N) always has the worst luck with the seats..."

"When we noticed they couldn't see what's going on..." Mikey pouted with a sad expression.

April softly grins petting his hat.

"Raph's the tallest out of you guys."

"He may not be the best at plans but at (Y/N),"

"He knows how to cheer them up!" April said as Mikey nods hoping the best for his brother.

 A loud game over plays in the distance causing the brothers shout 'NO!!!'. They look over as the two brothers draw their weapons at each other.

The two teens let out a 'Oh boy' as they run to prevent the battle.

Back with the couple at 5:45 pm...

As (Y/N) gives the tickets to the receptionist, Raph puts them on his shoulder. Before he could ask the tired lady, she gave a halfhearted thumbs up as the security guards quickly step aside now aware of the tall turtle's presence, slightly afraid of the couple.

Raph walks ahead as (Y/N) smiles, sitting on his shoulder briefly glancing at the decorated stage. He finds the seat as the two teens wait for the event to begin.

"Should I send a chilling glare while you give a sinister grin?"

"When someone asks the whole 'down in front' speech?" Raph asked as (Y/N) giggles.

"That's really tempting but nah..."

"I'm surprised how you didn't hear the couple behind us saying."

"'That right there is goals' when you propped me up on your shoulders."

"Just before the reception lady gave the okay..." (Y/N) said as Raph blushes mouthing an 'oh' not aware of that.

"Aside from that,"

"I'm guessing Mikey told you about what happened last week."

"And the brief mention when I showed your brothers, the end of the year annual concert." 

"Before you guys arrived at my apartment today..." (Y/N) said as they kissed his forehead while his snaggle tooth grin stayed on his face just as the band plays the first song.

1 hour later...

Shelldon lurks out of sight and the robotic turtle scans for the couple. Five minutes later, his eyes enhance discovering the duo cheering at band with others following as well.

Mikey removes the goggles (he borrowed from Donnie) as April puts her elbow on his shoulder saying 'See I told you, Raph's got this!' causing him to laugh.


When the concert was over, (Y/N) hopped off his shoulder as the couple stared at the other brothers, still upset about losing a cool limited edition arcade machine. Raph picked up one of the key chain charms as Donnie speaks.

"We might have gone overboard with an impromptu strife."

"But, the drama was worth getting those..." Donnie said as Leo frowns for a few seconds until smirking at the couple.

"I wonder if you two were aware of the couple cam-"

Leo pulls out his phone showing the video as it displays the couple. (Y/N) jamming out to the concert nearly falling off Raph's shoulder until he caught them in a bridal carry.

"I didn't record the sound because my one liners are better than what that announcer tried to dish out..." Leo said as the couple blushed in unison ignoring his comment.


Edited December 28, 2019

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