133. Donnie X Overworked!Female!Reader

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Requested by StarLight22640

Donnie opened the window to (Y/N)'s bedroom as she stayed preoccupied with the never ending assignments. Just as she got up to charge her phone, a text message showed up as she read the words.

"Treat yo self-"

She was immediately wrapped in a large purple blanket now in bridal carry position. She noticed Donnie saving the files before he clicks out of the programs. Now turning off the computer/laptop.

(Y/N) barely had any energy to argue but, struggled to get out of the comfy blanket.

"April told me you barely took care of yourself and went into a work obsessed frenzy."

"For the past month to be specific."

"I was supposed to arrive at an earlier time but, Leo informed me on the phrase 'treat yo self'."

"And while ignoring that I also tend to, sometimes overwork myself..."

"It really takes a toll on you if you forget to eat, drink, or rest for the day."

"Starting now until next month, I'll be visiting on a daily routine,"

"Just so you'll take those needed breaks." Donnie said.

(Y/N) glared at him but, slowly drifted to sleep, resting her head near his plastron.

The next day...

"Is it really necessary to hold me while I'm doing my assignments?" (Y/N) asked as Donnie places his chin on her head.

"I'm more surprised how you're not angry about me taking your phone."

"After every 30 minute break." Donnie said as he looked for videos toward her interests within that time frame.

(Y/N) refrained an annoyed sigh at him as she continued to type the final paragraph for a report. During the fourth break, she'll never get used to the bridal carry. She didn't bring up it as her face turned pink while Donnie pointed out some fun facts about the video on a random animal.

Around dinner time...

(Y/N)'s parents went out leaving money on the counter table for tonight's dinner.

(Y/N) briefly paused in the hallway as Donnie blocked the door to her room.

"Geeze, Donnie... you're really persistent on fixing my schedule." (Y/N) said as she folded her arms.

Donnie only shrugged his shoulders still focused on his phone as she sighed.

"Since we haven't seen each other in a long while,"

"I'm willing to pay for dessert since you helped me out on the first day."

"Getting used to taking breaks." (Y/N) said as Donnie slowly blushes.

"I'm still staying in front of your room."

"Just so, you won't slip by to work on assignments, (Y/N)." Donnie said as he sat down.

He muttered a brief thanks at her while texting April and the others about today's events.

Timeskip to third week...

Around midnight, (Y/N) slept to a random music playlist just as Donnie tucked her into bed. Before he closed the bedroom window, he saw April and Leo below the apartment building. He met up with two in a slightly defensive manner.

"You're not gonna sleep over at her place." 

"Or, will that be for next week." Leo said as Donnie folded his arms.

"I'm not answering that comment."

"Other than that, why are you two here?" Donnie asked as April spoke.

"Well, I guess Donnie doesn't want to know about-"

Donnie's eyes widen at that statement now interrupting her.

"Know about what? N-not that I'm interested..." Donnie said looking away at the two teens as Leo shrugged.

"Before the endless piles of assignments got to (Y/N),"

"She was working on something with her free time."

Leo stopped for a few seconds until resuming the conversation.

"I dare you to sneak around her stuff while she's still sleeping." Leo suggested as Donnie glanced back at (Y/N)'s bedroom window.

"Or Donnie could just charm (Y/N) with a question about that." April said as Donnie sighed annoyed at them.

"I can work my own methods on the dare."

"And I don't need any of your help on that as well." Donnie said as he brushes aside the duo.

Another timeskip towards the final day near 11 pm...

Despite (Y/N)'s drowsy state, she noticed Donnie mulling over something still holding onto the her pillow and blanket.

"Donnie, you sure you don't need to rest as well..." (Y/N) said as she took the pillow from him then placed it near the couch's arm.

After a long yawn, she laid her head on the soft cushion. 

"Donnie, thanks for hanging out with me."

"Last month has been draining me that I almost forgot how to take small breaks."

"As well as other important things, like taking care of myself."

(Y/N) sent a sentimental grin at Donnie as his thoughts went blank slowly blushing at her.

"Man, sleep deprivation really hits like a busy subway train."

"But still, thank you so much Donatello..." (Y/N) said as she snuggled closer to the back pillows of the couch, now in a deep slumber.

Donnie slowly entered (Y/N)'s bedroom carefully searching for the thank you gift. After five minutes, his heel felt a wrapped box as he turned around. With the gift slightly hidden underneath her bed. He chose not to open the gift as he stayed up all night, trying to block out the tiny guilt inside of him.

Sitting below the couch (Y/N) slept on.

A week later...

After holding the thank you gift that contained a new toolkit, Donnie spoke up admitting his curiosity about it. While he looked through her bedroom without her permission.

"I might have ruined half of the surprise..."

"But, I assure you (Y/N), I did not open your thank you gift while you were still asleep." Donnie said as he closed his eyes bracing for (Y/N)'s ice cold glare.

"So, you didn't even use your goggles for x ray vision, to see what's inside." (Y/N) said staring at him with curious eyes.

"Wait, you're not upset?" Donnie asked keeping his guard up as (Y/N) shakes her head no.

"You could've just woken me up to ask about it."

"And I would just give you the toolkit."

"However, it would have been funny to see the self proclaimed bad boy,"

"Be all blushy around his new girlfriend..." (Y/N) said in a teasing voice.

"I take back all the guilt I felt about the thank you gift." Donnie said in a deadpanned tone as (Y/N) grinned.


Edited June 13, 2020

Hopefully I met the quota on some mention of the cuddles part in the prompt

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