138. Mikey X Female!Yokai!Reader

982 13 5

Requested by chu1luc and slight changes to the prompt by me

11 pm inside the closed mall...

April begins to talk about the Soul Chasers' new target.

"Rumor has it, that this is the only mall. Not believing in the hoax of disappearing figurines."

"Most of the stores restocked before closing time and Sunita said the wanted yokai will strike at midnight."

"Which will attract attention from the leader of the Soul Chasers. To arrive near the 30 minute mark." April said as Donnie added to that comment, showing yesterday's surviellance video.

"The leader might not be a people person. When a couple of new foot recruits tried to ask her for simple directions finding the nearest cafe."

"So we need to proceed with caution if we ever meet her."

"Also, she's made of half fire, with how her motorcycle helmet. Exceeded above the usual heat signature." Donnie said as the others agreed.

"She definitely needs to cool off though."

"Good thing she has a fire-proof helmet." Leo said as the teens groaned at the bad one liner.

Near 12 am and 5 minutes later...

Mikey spotted the Soul Chasers leader returning to the first floor near the mall's large directory sign in annoyed manner.

"I had an easier time finding sheets of paper filled with dumb riddles..."

"Than this mall's cluster of directions." (Y/N) said as she looked through the neon sign once more.

Mikey gulped as he slowly approached her.

"Um, you haven't checked the fourth floor?"

"My friend plays way too much horror games."

"And knowing the number four, its the second unluckiest number next to thirteen." Mikey said still afraid of the yokai as she turns around unfazed by the turtle's comment.

"There wasn't a store that had any anime or comics on that floor."

"Mostly a place where foodies would go wild on the snacks."

"The Gashadokuro I'm looking for is nearly six feet tall."

"Except, I haven't picked up at any disturbances in the atmosphere."

(Y/N) immediately focused her attention on the turtle.

"Aside from four mutant turtles and a girl with glasses..." (Y/N) said in a serious tone as Mikey sweatdropped.

"April is a big fan of your whole Soul Chasers thing."

"Me and my brothers are just tagging along though,"

"The guy might be wearing a cloaking brooch as a disguise."

"Since you mentioned no disturbances aside from us.

"And maybe... Try hearing him out first..." Mikey said continuing his statement.

"April found some sources in the Mystic Library and that." 

"He hasn't been following his previous ancestors' infamous crimes."

"And he's more focused on hobbies to keep his mind off the past." Mikey said as (Y/N) sighed.

"You're the first guy I met to think reasonably about this."

"Plus, your friend found more research compared to my dad. Who still has trouble with adjusting  toward the Hidden City's approach."

"Also hard to believe a powerful general would have problems with the new technology."

"I'm embarrassed with how many times he asks me, how to attach a photo to a simple email." (Y/N) said.

"Huh, my dad's still keeps a tacky vintage phone which sometimes bothers my brother who's more into the modern tech stuff."

"So I can relate to that feeling." Mikey said as (Y/N) snickers at that thought.

Timeskip over the greetings and finally confronting the Gashadokuro...

The two teens arrive at the hidden 9th floor as the disguised yokai held money in his hands frightened by (Y/N)'s somber aura.

"You have a few minutes to state your business here. Before I determine your fate." (Y/N) said.

The Gashadokuro silently sighed as he placed the money back on the counter.

[I used to help out with deliveromg these packages until a coworker brought up my ancestors' previous misdemeanors...]

[This is the last delivery, including a completed set. That helped keep my mind off of that terrible past...]

[I intend to return to nature's grounds and stay there, not to cause any more harm for myself and others...]

[If it helps, I'll be escorted to that place with you two ensuring that task...]

(Y/N) looked over at Mikey who gave a determined expression.

After arriving to a safe part of the woods... 

The yokai transforms back to his regular size staring into the starry filled sky.

[Thank you both for believing in me...]

The Gashadokuro carefully heads off in the distance, never to be seen again as the teens return near by a brightly lit payphone. (Y/N)'s dad materializes out of thin air as he spoke.

"Raph told me what happened when you two went off on your own."

"A risky move but, I understand the Gashadokuro keeping his word."

"However, (Y/N) has to check on him for the next two years."

"To replace the bounty that used to be on his head." (Y/N)'s dad said as he glanced at Mikey.

"Bit of a brave kid to help out my daughter when it comes to common sense decisions."

"Your crew is always welcome around the Soul Chasers!"

"And (Y/N)!"

"Since she seems to taken a shine on you-"

"DAD!" (Y/N) yelled as both teens blushed in unison while the (Y/N)'s dad mischievously disappears out of his daughter's sight.

A few weeks later...

"There's a festival happening at the hidden 9th floor of the mall for the next few days."

"I got lucky with a vip pass so some places aren't off limits." (Y/N) said.

"Still shy to ask Mikey out." Leo said as (Y/N) puffed her cheeks.

"That's none of your business!" (Y/N) said as the others nudge Mikey in similar manner.

("I'm sure all of us will be distracted not to notice the new couple, wandering off on their own again.") Donnie whispered as Mikey hid in his shell slightly embarrassed by the atmosphere. 


Edited July 18, 2020

I had a fun time typing this; I already did a yokai!reader with Leo so I went the sunshine boy instead

It'll be a while for a yokai!reader with Donnie (The purple one is the most requested out of the four so just wait patiently for the time being)

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