168. Donnie X Reader: Self Doubt

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Requested by Ava_1208

Slight mention of the Shredder (before the series ended nothing too spoilery; couldn't think of a battle or a loss for the prompt but this turned out great!)

Saturday around 2 am...

(Y/N) heard the sound of their phone's ringtone as they checked the recent message.

Donnie: Is it okay if I drop by for a bit?

Not sure if you're okay with me venting during this time of night...

(Y/N) hesitated to reply but, they couldn't help but worry. During the past few days, April was busy with her part time job. Thanks to the endless rush hour, a thirty minute break wouldn't be enough to cheer up someone like Donnie.

("April really needs a break for herself plus, Donnie isn't that intimidating.")

("He just needs a couple of hours away from his brothers, that's all.")

(Y/N) thought to themselves sending a reply reassuring 'Its fine and I'll let you know when you need to stop'.

10 minutes later inside (Y/N)'s bedroom...

Donnie took a seat on the chair near (Y/N)'s assignment area as he kept a slight composure, ranting about his overprotective brothers.

"Its practically a miracle I haven't gotten a scar on my shell." 

"Since the first and eventually the last time my family and I had to deal with the Shredder."

"However its starting to get on my nerves with how," 

"They keep suggesting other ideas only for defensive tactics towards my battle shell."

"Do they want my shell to break over it?!" 

"And not that many people would throw out a perfectly, functioning machine part!" 

Donnie slightly raised his voice taking another breath and exhaled it afterwards. Almost forgetting (Y/N)'s parents were still asleep and didn't want his other human friend to get in trouble because of his venting.

"I really wished I had a different shell that didn't have the word 'soft' in it."

"Then I could actually focus on other projects but, like that even matters."

"Knowing my tech backfires, overlooking a tiny mistake after checking for the third time..." Donnie said resisting the urge to cry as he hid his head inside his shell, holding his arms together.

"I know you're not into this whole togetherness thing but,"

Donnie felt (Y/N) cautiously giving him a hug as they spoke.

"This and just hearing you out is the least I can do than just stand around-"

(Y/N) stopped talking as Donnie returned the hug in a tight squeeze finally giving in to his tears. After a few seconds, Donnie managed to say a slight thanks with his head still secluded in his shell.

"I'll just tell the guys you went over to April's place and slept there for the night."

"Thankfully today, she has a day off so I'll text her about the current situation."

"And knowing her, she'll definitely scold the guys for pushing your buttons about the shell thing." (Y/N) said removing away from the hug as they wrap their blanket around him.

The warm blanket reached his neck as (Y/N) opened their door.

"I'm just getting water so you don't feel too drained trying to sleep." (Y/N) said as Donnie switched his seat now sitting by the bed.

Timeskip to 11 am...

Donnie finally got a decent amount of sleep. He was almost too comfortable as a result of the additional body heat from (Y/N) as he held their back against his plastron. Still in a drowsy state while his friend was asleep as he spoke noticing their face.

"Wait, were they always this cute-"

His words eventually woke him up breaking out of the accidental spooning as he sat up. Starting to blush at the two thoughts currently on his mind.

("Worst case scenario, (Y/N) could have woken up after hearing you say the word 'cute' at them.")

("While you were still cuddling them or,")

("Holding (Y/N) right beside your plastron, slowly woken up while you're overreacting-")

Donnie paused his train of thought as (Y/N) slightly moved in their sleep. But, he internally sighed, relieved that they were still sleeping unaware of his overreaction. However, he didn't want to sleep the day away with the possible opportunity of getting to know (Y/N). Without thinking, he softly poked their shoulder prompting a yawn from them.

"Are you feeling better..." (Y/N) said as the turtle smiled.

"Well, I have friends like you to thank you for listening to my inane rambling."

"So yes, I am feeling better."

"And hopefully today isn't your usual me time because,"

"I've noticed most of our conversations end on a quick note and,"

"I should probably change that if I want to maintain a possible relationship with you."

"Uh... That last statement's a bit too forward..." 

"Now that I think about it..." Donnie said feeling his face flushed pink realizing the sudden confession. 

Especially in (Y/N)'s bedroom.

"Our friends will eventually know we're dating but for now,"

"It can be a secret between the two of us." (Y/N) said as Donnie nodded comforted by the idea.

Another timeskip near 4 pm...

"If I ordered a japanese diy candy kit,"

"Would that be a fun date idea?" (Y/N) asked as Donnie looked over their shoulder.

"I've seen a few going for a science kit with beakers or test tubes." Donnie said taking interest at the various plastic devices.

"I'll get a box of assorted candies, just in case the diy ends up being a disappointment."

"You can probably get back at the guys by giving the worst ones as leftovers." (Y/N) said as Donnie chuckled.


Edited March 1, 2021

Sort of got stuck after the second timeskip so its short for that reason

I found a bunch of prompts so this book might done around next month (this might be the last year I have an interest in rottmnt so volume three might around 100; not as much oneshots but also headcanons I've been thinking about)

Anyway leave comments or criticisms

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