68. Donnie X Reader: Casual Conversations

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Requested by PancakesYum2

(Y/N) hears a tapping sound near their bedroom window and pulls away the curtains seeing their tired boyfriend attempting to wave hello. They open their window letting him in as he stretches.

"My parents are already asleep but I could get snacks in the kit-"

"Thanks for your concern but I'm not really in the peckish mood..."

"So excuse me if I sound a bit grumpy..." Donnie said rubbing his eyes not meaning to interrupt his significant other.

"Not to be nosy but you have been getting any sleep lately?" (Y/N) asked.

"Define sleep..."

"Especially with the reoccurring nightmares I've had for the past four nights..." Donnie said as he presses a button on his battle shell while it begins to detach from himself.

Donnie grumbles under his breath placing the battle shell in an unoccupied space around (Y/N)'s room.  

(Y/N) couldn't help but stare at his shell without the usual tech gear.

Donnie blinks realizing (Y/N) hasn't seen him without his battle shell as he turns around while they avert their gaze almost embarrassed.

"S-since you mentioned nightmares,"

"Knowing you, you already checked for those on the internet..."

"Did you also ask Mikey for the deep meanings?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah but up to the third night..."

"I'm not scaring him with the recent one where my actual shell gets severely damaged by a weapon of some sorts..." Donnie said as (Y/N) frowns.

"Do your brothers know you're sleeping over at my place?" (Y/N) asked.

"I sent a text before I got here."

"Along with a post-it note saying the same thing in my room."

"But knowing the dumb dumbs they'll see the note first." Donnie said with a light chuckle fighting the urge to sleep.

(Y/N) grabs their spare pillow giving it to Donnie as he jolts up with how soft it is.

"I always have an extra pillow just to hold whenever I have nightmares."

"But right now, you need this more than me." (Y/N) said as they blush sitting back on their bed placing their hands on their lap.

Donnie squeezes the fluffy pillow speechless at (Y/N)'s cute act.

("I made the right decision not informing the other two about this nightmare dilemma.") Donnie thought to himself slowly turning pink as (Y/N) raises their eyebrow a bit troubled by his silence.

"Uh Donnie."

"You okay there-"

Donnie instantly sits on the bed reassuring them that everything is fine (aside from the potential nightmare he's dreading to have once again). He discreetly noted (Y/N) who spoke quietly about their solution to his sleeping predicament. 

"Instead of the usual sleeping position you're used to,"

"I'm okay with you sleeping on my lap..." (Y/N) blurted in a soft tone deepening the pink blush on their face.

Donnie smirks as he followed their instructions utilizing the pillow he borrowed from them. (Y/N) tenses up not expecting this reaction from him.

"And in return..."

"You're welcome to check-"

"Please don't suggest such thoughts!" (Y/N) nearly shouted as Donnie shrugs with the smirk still on his face.

"At least my brothers know not to push your buttons after you experienced that accidental prank."

"Originally meant for me..." Donnie said then adding more to his statement.

"One of the first times I've seen you mad..."

"And it definitely doesn't suit your gentle personality."

"Since you felt exhausted throughout that whole week until the guys said a proper apology." Donnie said as (Y/N) puffs their cheeks.

"I can't stay mad at the guys."

"But looking back on that week,"

"I kind of let my emotions get the better of me..." (Y/N) said slightly ashamed as Donnie hummed.

"At least you're properly in tuned with your own emotions."

"Probably one of the things that fascinated me into,"

"One year of our relationship..." Donnie said with a courteous tone changing his smirk to a genuine smile.

(Y/N) gazed with astonishment as the turtle slowly drifted to sleep. They somehow lifted him closer to the bed before returning to the position they once suggested. They internally sighed relieved that their bed managed to fit the turtle's tall size also counting them as well. Along with him not moving around in his sleep.

An angry expression appeared on their face for a few seconds remembering his mention of "checking him out" as they delicately remove themselves out of their spot to examine his shell.

("You're the one who has the shell not me...") (Y/N) thought to themselves shaking off their facial expression as they cautiously touch his shell.

("It doesn't really feel soft.")

("More bumpy with a sand paper like texture...")

(Y/N) also acknowledged the small pines near his shoulders and halfway on his shell. It only takes a few minutes when they contact a spot with the turtle murmuring satisfied chirps nuzzling his face deeper in the pillow.

("Yep! That's enough petting tonight!")

They crawl on their side of the bed not to disturb Donnie who's peaceful sleeping with no signs of nightmares and right away nods off when their head hits the worn out pillow.


Donnie wakes up with the bright sun shining on his face. He sits up annoyed by the light but felt better not undergoing another bad dream. He then spots (Y/N) who has messy hair sleeping beside him.

He grins taking out of his phone proceeding to take a picture of them with that one as (Y/N)'s new profile icon in his contact lists. He puts his phone away nestling closer to his partner thinking 'another hour of sleep should be fine, it's the weekend after all'.


"Huh, the messy hair look suits you (Y/N)." Leo said who borrowed Donnie's phone as (Y/N) looks up.


"Leo, your phone's already charged just give me back my phone!" Donnie said as Leo tosses the phone to (Y/N) who catches it.

(Y/N) recognizes their profile icon along with 30 photos of them in another tab as blush takes over their entire face.

Leo pats Donnie's battle shell saying 'The key to good communication starts with explaining and good luck bro!' as the turtle goes to the living room to reclaim his phone.

Mikey and April observe the scene in the distance as she shrugs.

"I warned him about this."

"But he never listens." April said chuckling at Donnie as he clarifies the purpose of those photos with an unimpressed (Y/N).


Originally typed November 1, 2019; Edited November 16, 2019

There was a separate tmnt series (specifically the comics) that mention Donnie's shell almost broken and that still stuck with me before I got interested in rottmnt

You're welcome to comment more about that (I like trivia bits from other series)

Anyway leave comments or criticisms

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