11. Leo X Yokai!Reader

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Leo wandered aimlessly in the Hidden City transporting a small package that he was asked to deliver from Señor Hueso. Unfortunately he only has two hours left to find the place or he'll spend the next weekend helping his skeleton friend. Not that he didn't mind but, he felt bad leaving the mess behind after getting rid of those mobster bosses and goons. He groaned in annoyance remembering that event and didn't notice an upcoming lamp post in his way hitting it in the process. The box fell out of his hands along with his odachi sword. He quickly rubbed his face cursing at himself as he sat on the ground not spotting the person near the items as they picked up the box.

"Hmmm. Cute wrapping paper." Said the person.

Leo instantly stands up as he grabs his sword and directs it at them.

"Hey! Give that back!" Leo said as he looked at them.

The yokai like individual glanced at the him and shrugged as they held out the box near him.

Leo immediately snatches the box away but utters a thanks afterwards.

"You're welcome!" as they smiled at the turtle.

"You have a name Neon Ninja?" 

Leo has to write down that cool nickname after he gets back home.

"Neon Leon. But I go by Leo most of the time." Leo said attempting to make a cool impression on the yokai.

(Y/N) lets out a small snort but contains themselves trying not to offend him.

"(Y/N). I don't really have a cool nickname myself but what brings you to this place though." (Y/N) said curiously.

Leo snapped out of his cool guy self and slightly scratches his face.

"Uh... You wouldn't happen to know where I have to go to find..." Leo asked as he embarrassingly showed the scrap of paper listing directions to the said destination.

  (Y/N)'s eyes shimmered after reading through the paper.

"Lucky you! This leads to my house and my dad was one who asked for this package!" (Y/N) said.

"Oh thank goodness! I've been walking around aimlessly trying to find the place!" Leo said and let out a sigh of relief.

"Heh! No problem! But..."

"Oh no... Now what..." Leo said slightly upset.

"There's events happening on the way to my place... And those who usually have to deliver something, often get distracted by the fun activities which ends up a failed mission."

"But no sweat! I'll help you as an escort with this Leo!" (Y/N) said confidently.

"You sure about this?" Leo asked.

"Yep! Plus the festivities rarely have the stuff I like! So just follow my lead as we head to my home!" (Y/N) said as they winked at him and went on ahead.

Leo felt a slight blush on his face but shook his head knowing he only met (Y/N) today. He isn't into crushes but (Y/N) managed to tug a heart string from him.


1 hour and 30 minutes remain until 4:00 pm...

(Y/N) was by Leo's side and usually defends him from street vendors who were persistent on selling their products to almost everyone. There were a few close calls but Leo almost fainted with the amount of hand holding he's experiencing today. A few couples gushed at the two teens or wished that were them.

After passing by another crowd full of mutants and yokai, once again (Y/N) released their hand from his. At this moment Leo needed to mention this to them before continuing onwards.

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