7. Donnie X Reader (1/2): All We Gotta Do

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"Just be friends"

The song muffled in the headphones (Y/N) wore while working on their homework as April sat next to them. A documentary on various topics along with an almost pitch dark classroom put everybody in the class asleep including the teacher as April and (Y/N) were the only two students awake. 

April managed to fill up her page completely since she watched the exact documentary from Leo's dare a week ago. She'll definitely give Leo a gift despite losing the dare to Donnie.

("Psst! (Y/N)! I'll let you copy some-")

April paused to see (Y/N) in a tired state.

(Y/N)'s eyes were red after they were done crying and a dull darken (e/c) showed no emotion. Their (h/c) hair almost messy than their usual hairstyle. Their face expressed nothing but a hollow poker faced version of themselves.

The lunch bell rang just as April was about to speak to (Y/N). Without saying anything, (Y/N) took April's paper along with theirs. 

The lights flashed the room sending whines from the students rudely waking up at the short nap. The teacher woke up startled and saw (Y/N) holding the two papers to April's teacher. He thanked (Y/N) taking the papers as they nodded and exited the room. After the rest of April's classmates left, April told the man what happened with (Y/N).

"Really nice of you Ms. O' Neil to let (Y/N) grieve in peace. To be honest, I just played the video to give you kids a break during this testing period around this month. Since I accidentally took a nap as well... Consider whatever you and (L/N) wrote down as extra credit! And continue to keep an eye out for them. The school counselors aren't really the best option after hearing some of my students' complaints..." He said.

"Will do! Thanks!" April said leaving the room.

After 15 minutes...

April found (Y/N) eating their lunch near the courtyard outside by themselves as (Y/N) waved hello.

"Are you feeling better (Y/N)?" April asked as she took a bite from her sandwich.

"Slightly... It really helps to eat and drink something after crying. But I'm just glad (P/N) goes to a different high school, I had doubts going to school today but my mom would flip out during test month." (Y/N) said wiping their mouth with a napkin finished with their lunch.

"That's still messed up of your mom not letting you take a rest after breaking up with your partner!" April said.

"I know right! With or without a reason, she doesn't understand the heavy toll of a broken heart!" (Y/N) said.

"Ugh Parents!" April groaned.

April hesitate after thinking about how (Y/N) and (P/N) broke up until (Y/N) noticed their best friend's silence.

"Curious about the break up A?" (Y/N) questioned her.

"I really don't want to upset you (Y/N). Plus, it's none of my business." April said.

"(P/N) always told me 'Telling is better Containing.' Especially when you reach your limit." (Y/N) said.

"Bit of a vague wording but it seems you and (P/N) broke up peacefully." April said.

"Kind of funny we both played the song Just Be Friends at the same time, until the song ended..." (Y/N) said. 

April saw (Y/N) as they looked at the cloudy sky with a frown.

(Y/N) sighed afterwards as they got off the bench.

"I've only texted the turtles in group chats after dating (P/N)... Now that we're just friends, I'll visit the guys this weekend as a surprise." (Y/N) said as a smile slowly emerges on their face.

April grinned (Y/N) as the two teens talked their way back into the school grounds.


Saturday: 1 pm - In the lair...

Before the four turtles were about to start their mini skate tournament, Mikey recognized (Y/N) in the distance and dropped his skateboard to hug them with Raph and Leo following as well. Except Leo portal his way to (Y/N), crashing in the three in the process. However, all four of them were laughing at Leo's clumsy stunt.

All excluding Donnie who wasn't fond of (Y/N)'s unexpected presence and proceeds to check his phone not interested on what's going on.

"Hey Donnie! Turn off your phone and greet (Y/N)!" Raph shouted at Donnie.

Donnie scowled at his phone but complied descending down with his battle shell with his skateboard in his left arm. As he landed, he was welcome with a sudden hug from (Y/N).

Donnie felt stiff from the hug and only used the tech arms to return the hug.

He grew jealous when April announced (Y/N) was in a relationship with someone else. His heart shattered into pieces and worked on other projects to keep himself occupied to not reflect about his hidden feelings for them.

As (Y/N) pulled away from the hug, Donnie slowly stares at the tech arms that embraced them.

Mikey nudged (Y/N) in a teasing matter.

"Omigosh! Is (P/N) around? I can't wait to meet (P/N)!" Mikey said with excitement.

Donnie noticed sadness in (Y/N)'s eyes as they showed Mikey as sincere smile.

"W-we're... just friends now Mikey..." (Y/N) said blinking away tears beginning to form.

"I swear if (P/N) sent you a break up text-" Leo said.

"(P/N) didn't do that Leo! Besides we sang along the same song used for the break up since the both of us couldn't say 'I'm breaking up with you!'" (Y/N) said now only seeing tears in their eyes.

All of the turtles paused after seeing (Y/N). Mikey, Leo, and Raph looked at each other with concern but nodded knowing to what to do as two of them separate going in separate rooms getting stuff to comfort (Y/N). Raph left Donnie and (Y/N) behind going to the living room hoping his dad Splinter will let them use the tv.

Donnie no longer felt the envious nature towards (Y/N) as he saw them sobbing and rubbing their eyes with their jacket.

He walks over to (Y/N) dropping his skateboard and finally gives them a genuine hug letting (Y/N) cry on his shoulder.

Just as Mikey exited out of a room carrying pillows and blankets, he spotted Donnie hugging (Y/N) his eyes filled with tears.

Mikey respected his brother's space by returning to the room and texted his brothers to let Donnie handle it. Leo and Raph both sent a thumbs up emoji.

Donnie expected karma to (Y/N)'s relationship with (P/N) but not in this matter. A nightmare became a reality for this poor turtle.


I would be too easy if I labeled this Donnie X Reader: Just Be Friends

(Plus it would be confusing to know if this was a onesided!shot but it isn't)

Anyway I'll be uploading this with the sequel song titled Answer as part 2

(Leave comments or criticisms)

Edits [August 17, 2019]: Deleting requests and Part 2 is already published

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